kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 (edited) I am writing this, hoping that maybe some of you, will think about it and tell your male friends ... I am wondering, do you avoid shower / washing to disrespect us-girls, or you just do not like to clean yourself? Even, if you had shower 30 minutes before, you should go, wash at least your hands (you would like to touch the pussy, yes?). And if you did not have 30 shower in before - you need to take it again ... Refresh yourself. Even if you think you do not need it, Believe me, sometimes you have 'treasures' Which you would not like to find at girls body, smell her sweat, or taste the old pees while giving her french... (Which parts need a wash? Of course whole penis area around penis - balls, between butt - oh this is veeeery important place to wash to!) Armpits, use DEO after, and - SHOWER GEL - use it please, just water is not enought! Refresh your mouth (this is why there are mouthwash and tic-tac`s) Do you know, that when you pee, you should wash your Willy AFTER, not just before ...? We can hear, when you use water, you know?: / And if you begin with this - NOT WASHING -, you made us really hard to act normally because it is a bit discusting, to have sex with unclean man, who disrespect us. It is not just for us, it is also for you - it is easier to love you, when you are clean, smells good, and your tongue tastes nice. Maybe any problems with impolite girls become from your bad hygiene? Think about it ... Redigeret 30. December, 2016 af kati_arhus 34 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Siljenips 384 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 kati_arhus skrev, 1 time siden: I am writing this, hoping that maybe some of you, will think about it and tell your male friends ... I am wondering, do you avoid shower / washing to disrespect us-girls, or you just do not like to clean yourself? Even, if you had shower 30 minutes before, you should go, wash at least your hands (you would like to touch the pussy, yes?). And if you did not have 30 shower in before - you need to take it again ... Refresh yourself. Even if you think you do not need it, Believe me, sometimes you have 'treasures' Which you would not like to find at girls body, smell her sweat, or taste the old pees while giving her french... (Which parts need a wash? Of course whole penis area around penis - balls, between butt - oh this is veeeery important place to wash to!) Armpits, use DEO after, and - SHOWER GEL - use it please, just water is not enought! Refresh your mouth (this is why there are mouthwash and tic-tac`s) Do you know, that when you pee, you should wash your Willy AFTER, not just before ...? We can hear, when you use water, you know?: / And if you begin with this - NOT WASHING -, you made us really hard to act normally because it is a bit discusting, to have sex with unclean man, who disrespect us. It is not just for us, it is also for you - it is easier to love you, when you are clean, smells good, and your tongue tastes nice. Maybe any problems with impolite girls become from your bad hygiene? Think about it ... BRAVO.... THANK YOU so much my collegue! Just my words!!! Maybe I should translate Your words into Danish so our danish guests will get the message too!!! Only for those, who doesn´t know how to take a shower ofcourse, a part of our guests do know how to clean themselves though.. 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Claire 4321 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 kati_arhus skrev, 1 time siden: I am writing this, hoping that maybe some of you, will think about it and tell your male friends ... I am wondering, do you avoid shower / washing to disrespect us-girls, or you just do not like to clean yourself? Even, if you had shower 30 minutes before, you should go, wash at least your hands (you would like to touch the pussy, yes?). And if you did not have 30 shower in before - you need to take it again ... Refresh yourself. Even if you think you do not need it, Believe me, sometimes you have 'treasures' Which you would not like to find at girls body, smell her sweat, or taste the old pees while giving her french... (Which parts need a wash? Of course whole penis area around penis - balls, between butt - oh this is veeeery important place to wash to!) Armpits, use DEO after, and - SHOWER GEL - use it please, just water is not enought! Refresh your mouth (this is why there are mouthwash and tic-tac`s) Do you know, that when you pee, you should wash your Willy AFTER, not just before ...? We can hear, when you use water, you know?: / And if you begin with this - NOT WASHING -, you made us really hard to act normally because it is a bit discusting, to have sex with unclean man, who disrespect us. It is not just for us, it is also for you - it is easier to love you, when you are clean, smells good, and your tongue tastes nice. Maybe any problems with impolite girls become from your bad hygiene? Think about it ... Hear Hear.. Also.. How u doin'? 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 Super idea Siljenips!:) And yes, I forgot to add: HUGE THANKS for all of You Boys, who knows how to be There is a BIG BIG part of you, whose text not applicable 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buzz Light 162 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 They could be new to the whole thing and not know what is expected of them. Show them who is boss and "grab them by the pussy" ~ Donald Trump 2005. Shower together and make it a part of foreplay. Most of us will love you for it 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Claire 4321 Skrevet 30. December, 2016 (edited) Buzz Light skrev, for 32 minutter siden: They could be new to the whole thing and not know what is expected of them. Show them who is boss and "grab them by the pussy" ~ Donald Trump 2005. Shower together and make it a part of foreplay. Most of us will love you for it What... new to being intimate with a girl? New to having a brain? det var groft, sorry Men det BURDE jo være almindelig pli, at man har vasket pikken efter toiletbesøg, inden man er sammen med en pige.. newbie eller ej. Redigeret 30. December, 2016 af Claire 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buzz Light 162 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 There are alot of stupid people out there. I didn't personally start using my brain till I was in my early-mid twenties 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
den nysgerrige 312 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 This should be normal for all, we don't want a smelly girl and the girls don't want a smelly dude! Simple as that but spot on @kati_arhus 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 Why not just tell the guests to shower/wash at your place? That seems like a pretty simple solution! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 (edited) champ skrev, for 23 minutter siden: Why not just tell the guests to shower/wash at your place? That seems like a pretty simple solution! ? Like in the tittle - I Always offer shower Sometimes it is really hard to insist, you know Or send guest back to the toilet from the bed. Imgaine this...;P Or, like I wrote - they goes to toilet, but: 1. dont use soap/gel 2. just make a pee and dont use ANY water, even for hands wash 3.go to toilet, wait (NO WATER sounds) and just goes out. 4. wash a bit, but rest of body is smelly... p.s. and this in not just about noses, it is about out healt. We are very delicate in our ladies parts and our immunity have resistance also, contact with bacteria, germs and viruses - there is one solution for it - soap and water Redigeret 31. December, 2016 af kati_arhus 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 It should not be hard to insist. i have met girls that have done that and it has not been a problem. Even though i always shower before i go but as you say something can be missed or after the time in the car you can need a refreshment. It is a difficult topic because after 30 min in the car i dont feel dirty and would not take a shower if the girl just loosely offers it but if she say here at my place you always go wash or take a quick shower before you meet me in the bed i do it rigth away off course! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 You know, once I had guest at 21.00, I offered him shower, and he told me, "I am good, I showered" I asked when and he told me - in the morning. any questions? You just dont know, what we are struggling with so you lose the point After even 15 minutes in car - you should go and wash your hands, nothing to discuss I think 7 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 Haha i was in church last sunday and i washed for that it is not enough you silly woman +hand wash makes the cold hands warmer! i do agree with you that these activities with strangers which should be wonderfull moments together needs a little extra attention in the hygiene but i do not understand why you dont make it clear to your guests that you prefer that they go wash! it can be done with a smile and a wink! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 Because I dont like to be rude you will never undestand, if you dont work as we, many years 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 But it can be done in a good way i have experienced that but off course it is up to you! No i can imagine that it is a side affect of your job that you develop a very fine nose/eye for these kind of things! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sweex Skrevet 31. December, 2016 Buzz Light skrev, for 12 timer siden: There are alot of stupid people out there. I didn't personally start using my brain till I was in my early-mid twenties Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AalborgLook 5177 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 I ALWAYS shower and brush my teeth at home before visiting a girl, and also go to the bathroom after arriving at the girls place, to clean my dick a last time. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
StevenDK 183 Skrevet 31. December, 2016 kati_arhus skrev, for 12 timer siden: You know, once I had guest at 21.00, I offered him shower, and he told me, "I am good, I showered" I asked when and he told me - in the morning. any questions? You just dont know, what we are struggling with so you lose the point After even 15 minutes in car - you should go and wash your hands, nothing to discuss I think If I go to visit a godess I of course shower, shave and brush my teeth before I leave my home. If possible I take another shower when I reach the place of my godess. If I can´t shower I at least wash my hands and my "Little Steven". If possible I grab my godess by her beautiful hair and drag her into the shower and lets her wash me all over I fully understand Kati's wish. And I also believe that you will get a better experience with your godess if you show her that you want to meet her with a clean body and a dirty mind Thank you Kati for reminding us of the need for hygiene 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Grækeren Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 (edited) I min verden er der ikke nogen piger der er tvunget til at kunden overskrider deres grænser, pigen kan jo bare afvise kunden, og det i alle henseender.....vi kunder betakker os jo også i døren hvis vi føler at klaveret ikke lige spiller, og det også i alle henseender. En af mine tommelfingerregeler inden betalingen falder...er at besøge toilettet, der skal være et bad, og det skal være brugt for nyligt ellers er der ingen hygge....de såkaldte trucker vaske er for overfladiske, dertil er hygiejnen et for vigtigt moment for en god oplevelse. Redigeret 1. Januar, 2017 af Grækeren 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Borende X 25042 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 Grækeren skrev, for 23 minutter siden: I min verden er der ikke nogen piger der er tvunget til at kunden overskrider deres grænser, pigen kan jo bare afvise kunden, og det i alle henseender.....vi kunder betakker os jo også i døren hvis vi føler at klaveret ikke lige spiller, og det også i alle henseender. En af mine tommelfingerregeler inden betalingen falder...er at besøge toilettet, der skal være et bad, og det skal være brugt for nyligt ellers er der ingen hygge....de såkaldte trucker vaske er for overfladiske, dertil er hygiejnen et for vigtigt moment for en god oplevelse. Et udmærket fif med at aflure forholdene på badeværelset inden betalingen. Det kunne jeg godt have haft brugt ved en lejlighed eller to. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 Grækeren: I dont know if translator made it right but if yes, you mean that I can reject client if he is not clean? So how do you see it, I start kissing with him, touching, I does to penis and then I can smell the pees - and I am telling him - go away, you are dirty. ? Should I give him money back? Or I should not? I dont want to do such thing. Or you mean that I can see in the door, that he will use the toilet not properly? I cant say, never, what I can find uder the skin I think nothing more to discuss Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 So dont tell them to wash? it would be ok with me but i do understand why you dont do it. what then? block the number and never meet them again? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 (edited) I dont uderstand you, what I dont doin your opinion? (he wrote that I can reject, so, this is my answet, how He imgaine rejecting) I have an impression that you are misunderstanding me so much Redigeret 1. Januar, 2017 af kati_arhus Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
champ 428 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 (edited) In the situation you describe after you have already "started the fun". You dont want to stop and ask the man to go wash? That is how i understand you? Redigeret 1. Januar, 2017 af champ dobbelt ord Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kati_arhus 717 Skrevet 1. Januar, 2017 I asked author of upper post, how does he imagine 'reject the client' Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg