Electric 16 Skrevet 5. Juni, 2016 Hi, I am new in here, I understand Danish but i write better English and will do so in here. I hope to write some positive things in time, but since this is my first sharing of a visit to a girl in copenhagen, I regretfully must say it was a negative experience This girl: https://escortguide.dk/P/alice-oesterbro-real-28157.html Gave her a visit on Saturday june 4th.....her last day before probably returning next month she said. The pictures in her add IS Real, and she is polite and nice, its just that it mostly stops there...... If I meet a girl, prostitute or not, I do like a girl that can strike a conversation at least. She is very much into business before pleasure obviously. Tried to talk, and maybe I asked to much about her.....I can understand if it seems nosy but she soon asked me not to talk......When the actual act began, she started with a BJ that was ok, but every 4 seconds she stops to check the condom for air.......being careful is ok but damn.... ? She asks me if I have any favourite positions and just to mention one, I say reverse cowgirl..... I ask if she can manage to stand on her feet and lower her on me, but thats to hard she says and does the reverse on her knees. That limits the movement and then its definetly not my favourite position , so i change it and we start a missionary. She is worried about me entering her to deep and do not spread her legs much at all. Basically blocking me from fucking......I get irritated, but polite as I am I do not mention it and try the doggy style.....Same thing happens here, she kinda moves away from every movement.....makes it basically impossible to get the move in or feel of it........ She is independent, she claims so anyway, and I believe her. Student from Hungary. I am sure she makes good money in Denmark bringing home to Hungary. Good for her, I want that for any girl doing this, but if you chose to do something, then be good at it. She is not meant for this work. She sucks at it. I felt I completely wasted my money. paid a 1000 for 45 min , that on her last day should give me 60 min.....Normally I choose 30 min since that is normally all it takes for me. To many times girls try to finish you early anyway and not give you the time you pay for.....this one is no exception even though she said i could come twice......I did not even try....I had gotten enough dissapointment in one short session, just wanted to get out of there and far away. If you can't fuck cause you are worried it will hurt or similar reasons, then don't sell sex.....simple as that....she is not the only one like this. If you are independent which I hope you are then stop doing what you don't master. If she IS trafficated, I sure hope she can find a way to get away. All i can do is hit myself for not just stopping as soon as this farse begins and leave.........I would never ask for money back, but I should leave as soon as this happen again and tell her the truth.....I am to polite and just goes through with it.....the money is wasted for me anyways......so next time I will speak my mind, tell her to keep the money and leave. No need for politeness.......In any other business in life this would not go unnoticed...........incompetence do not pay, and it should not pay......but men pay in these scenarious ! My next letter, I hope to be a positive one Electric 11 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
unip 618 Skrevet 5. Juni, 2016 Jeg har også haft besøg af Alice. Hun er ikke GFE, som du også bemærker. Og som hun vist har svaret i en tidligere tråd, så lægger hun ikke skjul på det. Og hun mener, at man kan læse det ud af hendes annonce. Det er jeg så ikke nødvendigvis enig i. Bundlinien er, at Alice er en fantastisk flot pige, og det at kigge på hende er en fornøjelse. At have sex med hende er kedeligt. 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 5. Juni, 2016 I agree unip She sucks and even if one can't read it out of her add, even if she claims so , I have posted my page as an answer to some of her good reviews in here so that it will not be any doubt about her intentions. She is boring and I should have told her....I will never more leave a place like that without expressing my true feelings CAn someone explain to me what it is with those girls that can't take it deep in their pussy, how they expect to be able to sell sex at all.....what is it that hurts for them, or is it what I suspect, that she is afraid the condom will break....is that the reason ??? I suspect so, I suspect they just want small movements to prevent condom of breaking, thats probably why she had to check the airbubble when giving a bj all the time. She is being overly careful.........gee ??? thats fine, but then stop doing what you are doing, and concentrate on your studies like you should......I just realised thinking back, that this is probably why she blocks you..............how stupid ! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Asger87 319 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Enig med Unip. Jeg har også besøgt Alice. Spild af penge ift. Sex. Men køn er hun da. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 (edited) Electric skrev, for 7 timer siden: I CAn someone explain to me what it is with those girls that can't take it deep in their pussy, how they expect to be able to sell sex at all.....what is it that hurts for them, Having sex with many can hurt in the long run, every day. The less the movement the less hurt. How much it hurts for the individual girl depends on training and individual anatomical differences. PS: Please don't spam all other reviews of the girl. It is just annoying and really makes it seem more like you have an agenda ... What you write about her is not really new. Redigeret 6. Juni, 2016 af Bebop 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Yeah, well, Isn't that exactly what some previous posts had concluded ??!! If you don't get the warning - you mention that you read Danish - then you kinda asked for it, didn't you ? Anyway, I've said it before, I'll say it again: She's a very nice, intelligent, beautiful girl, with whom you can have a good conversation...... but sex with her is boring. Really boring. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 (edited) Bebop skrev, for 4 timer siden: Having sex with many can hurt in the long run, every day. The less the movement the less hurt. How much it hurts for the individual girl depends on training and individual anatomical differences. PS: Please don't spam all other reviews of the girl. It is just annoying and really makes it seem more like you have an agenda ... What you write about her is not really new. No, it is not because it hurts, it is because she is afraid of the condom breaking. I am sure.......that is why she should not bother wasting peoples time and money.....I will spam any review on girls like this Redigeret 6. Juni, 2016 af Electric adding to it Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 (edited) tvr skrev, for 4 timer siden: Yeah, well, Isn't that exactly what some previous posts had concluded ??!! If you don't get the warning - you mention that you read Danish - then you kinda asked for it, didn't you ? Anyway, I've said it before, I'll say it again: She's a very nice, intelligent, beautiful girl, with whom you can have a good conversation...... but sex with her is boring. Really boring. sure, I made a mistake not reading reviews......did I not tell I was new in here........you're observant on me reading danish, but not NEW in here......maybe we both made a mistake......I admit it ! Redigeret 6. Juni, 2016 af Electric Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Electric skrev, for 2 timer siden: No, it is not because it hurts, it is because she is afraid of the condom breaking. I am sure. You are guessing unless she told you, which she didn't or you wouldn't have asked. As other reviews has stated: She simply acts as if she really does not like the business she is in ... Electric skrev, for 2 timer siden: I will spam any review on girls like this Well, everybodu's free to a moron. Stop for one second to think what would happen if everybody did it. The forum would be swarmed with updates on old threads, and new threads would drown. Please don't act like an idiot. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Electric skrev, for 2 timer siden: sure, I made a mistake not reading reviews......did I not tell I was new in here........you're observant on me reading danish, but not NEW in here......maybe we both made a mistake......I admit it ! ???? I can't see I made a mistake.... Where ?? On you being new ? or not being new ? I think you write that you're new and not new, so no matter what I chose, I'll be right and wrong at the same time Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 tvr skrev, for 1 time siden: ???? I can't see I made a mistake.... Where ?? On you being new ? or not being new ? I think you write that you're new and not new, so no matter what I chose, I'll be right and wrong at the same time At han er ny. Det "glemte" du, da du kritiserede ham for ikke at søge først. Når han skriver: " did I not tell I was new in here " og " you're observant on me reading danish, but not [that I am] NEW in here" siger han, at han er ny. Det smuttede bare lidt med formuleringen. I første sætning i første indlæg: " Hi, I am new in here, ..." Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest tvr Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Bebop skrev, for 56 minutter siden: At han er ny. Det "glemte" du, da du kritiserede ham for ikke at søge først. Når han skriver: " did I not tell I was new in here " og " you're observant on me reading danish, but not [that I am] NEW in here" siger han, at han er ny. Det smuttede bare lidt med formuleringen. I første sætning i første indlæg: " Hi, I am new in here, ..." Ah, OK. Now I get it My mistake.... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Bebop skrev, for 8 timer siden: You are guessing unless she told you, which she didn't or you wouldn't have asked. As other reviews has stated: She simply acts as if she really does not like the business she is in ... Well, everybodu's free to a moron. Stop for one second to think what would happen if everybody did it. The forum would be swarmed with updates on old threads, and new threads would drown. Please don't act like an idiot. what is moronic about commenting on another thread. ...... that is what I am doing and that is what this site is for.........isent it ?........think before you call someone a moron..........To me you are nothing but an instegator !.......What's your problem dude...... commenting with a link to my thread is a contribution and my opinion to the same girl that has been talked about in another link, it is not spamming............I do not see why you are so provoked ?? Your choice of bad mouthing in here....not mine !! You have not given me a reason for your rage......only that I have repeated what others have written before ??? so what.... Is it not OK to give another review of the same girl even if it has been said before.........oh and by the way .....stop spamming !......moron !! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2016 Bebop skrev, for 8 timer siden: You are guessing unless she told you, which she didn't or you wouldn't have asked. As other reviews has stated: She simply acts as if she really does not like the business she is in ... Well, everybodu's free to a moron. Stop for one second to think what would happen if everybody did it. The forum would be swarmed with updates on old threads, and new threads would drown. Please don't act like an idiot. act like an idiot ? I said i was new in here, I wrote a review , I then saw all her links to previous good reviews.....why would she put them up...so I added to them......stop acting like an idiot yourself ! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Extinguisher 866 Skrevet 7. Juni, 2016 vi henstiller lige til at de ærede skribenter finder en mere passende omgangstone, m.a.o. skriv pænt og ordentligt selvom I er uenige Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 7. Juni, 2016 Extinguisher skrev, for 6 timer siden: vi henstiller lige til at de ærede skribenter finder en mere passende omgangstone, m.a.o. skriv pænt og ordentligt selvom I er uenige Vi kalder ikke hinanden noget - kun adfærden Electric skrev, for 16 timer siden: act like an idiot ? I said i was new in here, I wrote a review , I then saw all her links to previous good reviews.....why would she put them up...so I added to them......stop acting like an idiot yourself ! O.k. jeg anerkender din pointe, når hun linker til de anmeldelser i sin annonce. På den måde beskytter man dem der ser annoncen og som ikke kender Eroguide i forvejen. Men ellers: Hvis det ikke er tilfældet, så er det bedre bare at skrive den nye anmeldelse i den gamle tråd, hvis du synes det er for galt der ligger en gammel tråd, hvor der står, at nogen har haft en anden oplevelse end dig, som er verdens navle. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
gerog 9289 Skrevet 7. Juni, 2016 unip skrev, den 6/6/2016 at 00:48: Jeg har også haft besøg af Alice. Hun er ikke GFE, som du også bemærker. Og som hun vist har svaret i en tidligere tråd, så lægger hun ikke skjul på det. Og hun mener, at man kan læse det ud af hendes annonce. Det er jeg så ikke nødvendigvis enig i. Bundlinien er, at Alice er en fantastisk flot pige, og det at kigge på hende er en fornøjelse. At have sex med hende er kedeligt. Enig flot pige, der tilbyder kedelig maskinsex. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Finger 213 Skrevet 7. Juni, 2016 Hånd imellem, og hvad pigerne ellers gør for ikke at levere varen, er deres måde at leve med et job de hader og bilde dem selv ind at de bliver bedre betalt. På samme måde som så mange andre yder en dårlig arbejdsindsats hvis de hader jobbet og synes at lønnen er for lav. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Carnales 1 Skrevet 9. Juni, 2016 (edited) It's curious how our expectations effect our experiences... I'm from Sweden, but I'm writing this in english for the benefit of Alice (I believe I've seen her respond here before). I saw her that same day, saturday before she left for home, and had the opposite impression from my time with her. From the get go she was personable and social with me and there was no fuss even though I arrived 15 minutes late. I payed for the hour, showers included (before and after) I think it took around 1 hour 20 minutes. We had a little break in the middle while I recuperated where we chatted about nothing for a while then did a round 2. As it came to a close she reminded me of the time but not in a pushy way. Through it all I felt she was very professional, which I appreciated. Definitely not GFE, but a few nice touches during my time there. I'll be going back for more when she returns. Really, the only bad thing I have to say is that she needs to get an AC unit or something at that location if we're going to keep having beautiful weather like this. I can see how things could get off on the wrong foot though if one expects kissing and sweet nothings. Redigeret 9. Juni, 2016 af Carnales Spacing 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Alice 81 Skrevet 10. Juni, 2016 Electric skrev, den 2016. június 6. at 00:42: Hi, I am new in here, I understand Danish but i write better English and will do so in here. I hope to write some positive things in time, but since this is my first sharing of a visit to a girl in copenhagen, I regretfully must say it was a negative experience This girl: https://escortguide.dk/P/alice-oesterbro-real-28157.html Gave her a visit on Saturday june 4th.....her last day before probably returning next month she said. The pictures in her add IS Real, and she is polite and nice, its just that it mostly stops there...... If I meet a girl, prostitute or not, I do like a girl that can strike a conversation at least. She is very much into business before pleasure obviously. Tried to talk, and maybe I asked to much about her.....I can understand if it seems nosy but she soon asked me not to talk......When the actual act began, she started with a BJ that was ok, but every 4 seconds she stops to check the condom for air.......being careful is ok but damn.... ? She asks me if I have any favourite positions and just to mention one, I say reverse cowgirl..... I ask if she can manage to stand on her feet and lower her on me, but thats to hard she says and does the reverse on her knees. That limits the movement and then its definetly not my favourite position , so i change it and we start a missionary. She is worried about me entering her to deep and do not spread her legs much at all. Basically blocking me from fucking......I get irritated, but polite as I am I do not mention it and try the doggy style.....Same thing happens here, she kinda moves away from every movement.....makes it basically impossible to get the move in or feel of it........ She is independent, she claims so anyway, and I believe her. Student from Hungary. I am sure she makes good money in Denmark bringing home to Hungary. Good for her, I want that for any girl doing this, but if you chose to do something, then be good at it. She is not meant for this work. She sucks at it. I felt I completely wasted my money. paid a 1000 for 45 min , that on her last day should give me 60 min.....Normally I choose 30 min since that is normally all it takes for me. To many times girls try to finish you early anyway and not give you the time you pay for.....this one is no exception even though she said i could come twice......I did not even try....I had gotten enough dissapointment in one short session, just wanted to get out of there and far away. If you can't fuck cause you are worried it will hurt or similar reasons, then don't sell sex.....simple as that....she is not the only one like this. If you are independent which I hope you are then stop doing what you don't master. If she IS trafficated, I sure hope she can find a way to get away. All i can do is hit myself for not just stopping as soon as this farse begins and leave.........I would never ask for money back, but I should leave as soon as this happen again and tell her the truth.....I am to polite and just goes through with it.....the money is wasted for me anyways......so next time I will speak my mind, tell her to keep the money and leave. No need for politeness.......In any other business in life this would not go unnoticed...........incompetence do not pay, and it should not pay......but men pay in these scenarious ! My next letter, I hope to be a positive one Electric Good evening, i was really friendly and nice to you until you started to talk about money, apartment, pimps.... And when you asked me if I'm afraid of pimps and if they kidnap me .... That point I asked you "can we just stop talk about this?". I think this topic is not normal... Ans you asked abnormal things... You wanted a position what I don't prefer because I cannot do that for long time, but I told you we can do. You became rude and prim after I pleased you to stop talk about that things, so I was also 'cold' with you... Thats all have a nice evening :* 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Axl Rose Skrevet 10. Juni, 2016 Alice skrev, for 3 timer siden: Good evening, i was really friendly and nice to you until you started to talk about money, apartment, pimps.... And when you asked me if I'm afraid of pimps and if they kidnap me .... That point I asked you "can we just stop talk about this?". I think this topic is not normal... Ans you asked abnormal things... You wanted a position what I don't prefer because I cannot do that for long time, but I told you we can do. You became rude and prim after I pleased you to stop talk about that things, so I was also 'cold' with you... Thats all have a nice evening :* Dear Alice - its good to know that you are true to youself, and respond to the things your clints says or does. We might buy your servies, but that doesnt give us the right to offend you or do thing you dont like. Keep up the good spirit and lets see you in Copenhagen again soon. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dane 638 Skrevet 10. Juni, 2016 Så starter komikken igen. Alice mener altid at det er kundens skyld, hver gang der kommer en dårlig anmeldelse af hendes maskin sex. Det er aldrig hendes egen skyld. Hun er fejlfri. Men i det mindste har hun redigeret annonce teksten og fjernet det der stod om en erotisk oplevelse eller noget i den dur. Det er mere erotisk at gå til tandlægen end til Alice. Tidligere fik vi vist oplyst at hun ikke ville komme tilbage til Danmark, men det fortrød hun så, der er åbenbart stadig mange som hopper på. Går den, så går den. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 12. Juni, 2016 (edited) Alice skrev, den 10.6.2016 at 19:32: Good evening, i was really friendly and nice to you until you started to talk about money, apartment, pimps.... And when you asked me if I'm afraid of pimps and if they kidnap me .... That point I asked you "can we just stop talk about this?". I think this topic is not normal... Ans you asked abnormal things... You wanted a position what I don't prefer because I cannot do that for long time, but I told you we can do. You became rude and prim after I pleased you to stop talk about that things, so I was also 'cold' with you... Thats all have a nice evening :* Dear Alice, I wish you good luck, but you should not do this......but I guess it is to tempting for all that money. I do not blame you though, I was nice to you also even though I was not impressed. I am a nice person. So I guess from a nice person to another nice person. I was not very tempted to come back to you, and therefore I warn others.....thats all......good luck Redigeret 12. Juni, 2016 af Electric Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hr. Lick me 86 Skrevet 12. Juni, 2016 Serious guys? This is a forum for reviews. It is not a chat forum. Can't you guys just respect that if a guy post a review it is how he saw it. Sure there are fake reviews. It is obvious that we can read right through them, so just ignore them. It really is that simple. Have a nice day! PS - can the admin people start closing this drawn out chats? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Electric 16 Skrevet 13. Juni, 2016 Hr. Lick me skrev, den Sunday, June 12, 2016 at 09:25: Serious guys? This is a forum for reviews. It is not a chat forum. Can't you guys just respect that if a guy post a review it is how he saw it. Sure there are fake reviews. It is obvious that we can read right through them, so just ignore them. It really is that simple. Have a nice day! PS - can the admin people start closing this drawn out chats? Like u ignored it 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg