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Kvinder som tilbyder “anderledes” setups?

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Anderledes kan være bredt defineret.  
Men lige nu er min tolkning erindringer fra sidste år. Her husker jeg der både annoncerede kvinder som lå klar blindfoldet på hotelværelset og en dansk kvinde som tilbød sex i Fælledparken.

Er der ikke nogen sjove og anderledes setups i Københavnsområdet på nuværende tidspunkt? 

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I am a little impressed and envious of the girls who live out these fantasies and setups. It takes a lot of confidence and trust to do that :o

I myself have several fantasies and ideas for setups that I have not tried yet and maybee I really don’t dare :unsure:

My night fantasy, where my unknown lover sneaks into the apartment while I lie naked in bed and sleep (pretending). He takes off his clothes, puts money on the table, and crawls naked into my bed, where he slowly penetrate me and begins to fuck me slowly from behind. :ph34r:

Or my regular quick-Tuesday fuck, where he calls when he's standing at the frontdoor. I let him in and lay naked on all fours ready to be taken doggystyle before he entres ready for him. He enters, takes of his pants and starts fucking me in doggystyle without saying anything. When he has finished, he puts the money on the table and leaves again without us talking to each other. My fantasy is that it is a fixed ritual where I have to be ready one fixed day a week. :twisted:

But as I said, I don't know if I dare. It probably requires that we know each other in advance, so that I can feel a little trust.But I love the fantasies ;) 

Good ideas for how it can be realized are welcome <3

Redigeret af Dark Sugarbabe

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This is what some of us in here do on occasion... meet with a girl .. she is blindfolded on bed.. we enter her apartment ... both of us fuck her doing turns... cum, leave money on table and leave... never seen her face just her body and pussy.... 

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