mrjames 81 Skrevet 1. Maj, 2023 Antonia har gennem tiden fået en del anmeldelser, nogle gode, andre dårlige. Jeg tænkte at der selv skulle et besøg til for at vurdere hvilken vej vægtskålen falder. En tid blev forespurgt, og hun svarede relativt hurtigt tilbage. Prisen for 30 minutter + inkl super hedder sig ganske almindelig takst Stedet er centralt i Aalborg og meget trafik i dagtimerne, ikke det mest diskrete sted, men Antonia var hurtig med koden til døren, og så ellers ind. Ved første øjekast så synes jeg at hun er en babe, altså en flot pige, god bagdel, en god håndfuld bryster, so far so good. Blowjobbet var okay, men relativt hurtigt skulle der kondom på og så ellers igang. Der var intet piveri ift stillinger, og det var sådan set også ganske godt (læs hendes fisse føles fremragende) men hun skulle absolut holde sin hånd ved roden hele vejen igennem. Jeg valgte ikke at kommentere på det, da jeg vurderede at det ikke gav mening, dog var det klart et irritationsmoment, og jeg forstår ikke hvad det skal til for. Hvis hun er bange for man støder til, eller hvis hun har ondt i fissen, så bør hun overveje en fridag eller to i stedet. Anyway karaktermæssigt vil jeg ikke komme med den klassiske 10er skala, men det bliver ikke gentaget for mit vedkommende. 3 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
LillePalle99 216 Skrevet 1. Maj, 2023 Præcis som jeg oplevede. En lidt tam omgang uden den store indlevelse. Hun er dog en smuk pige og billeder er indbydende. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Antonia 345 10 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 Hello , thank you for your review. i would like just to explain the”thing with the hand” .It’s not about any pain or something else , the fact its that we keep the hand there ,its because of safety,to check and to be shoure that everything its ok with the condom ,that its still in place . If it was about pain or something else i would not work . It was a misunderstanding because if you would ask , i was telling you the same thing, and after i think that you will agree that the safety comes first . 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Le courvoisier 843 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 Antonia 345 skrev, for 50 minutter siden: Hello , thank you for your review. i would like just to explain the”thing with the hand” .It’s not about any pain or something else , the fact its that we keep the hand there ,its because of safety,to check and to be shoure that everything its ok with the condom ,that its still in place . If it was about pain or something else i would not work . It was a misunderstanding because if you would ask , i was telling you the same thing, and after i think that you will agree that the safety comes first . As an advice maybe you should consider changing to other better condoms that stay in place all the time so that you don’t have to worry about this. I would not like to have a hand there all the time either- it would be quite annoying and it would affect the overall experience. 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Antonia 345 10 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 I've tried all the condoms and it's the same problem of course not every time. But you as customers should say if something bothers you or something that you don't like and maybe that girl is trying to do her best to change but if you prefer to shut up and you don't say what bothers you and then you get on the site and you write reviews you really think that would help 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Max Power 579 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 @Antonia 345 first of all I haven’t been with you, but I have experienced “the hand” fair enough it’s to make sure the condom is in place, but you should also be aware that’s very disturbing during the act and is very off putting. so if you don’t trust the guy to have intercourse with you with the condom on, let him know why you’re using “the hand” all the time, then he knows and won’t think bad about it. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
FKK4Ever 672 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 Hun er lige min type, men det med hånden er total turn off og no-go for mig. Da det åbenbart er standard hos hende bliver det nej tak herfra... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Le courvoisier 843 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 Jeg har heldigvis aldrig oplevet det med hånden når jeg har været sammen med en pige. Jeg kan kun forestille mig at det ville være meget forstyrrende for en som mig som kan lide vild sex . 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kingdane68 398 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2023 Le courvoisier skrev, 1 time siden: Jeg har heldigvis aldrig oplevet det med hånden når jeg har været sammen med en pige. Jeg kan kun forestille mig at det ville være meget forstyrrende for en som mig som kan lide vild sex . Så har du godt nok været heldig. Jeg har prøvet det mange gange. De er så ræde for, at det skal falde af, hvilket det jo stort set aldrig gør. I øvrigt er det SÅ usexet, når GP'er bliver fornærmet og kommenterer vores anmeldelser :D 4 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
mrjames 81 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2023 I think that 99.9 % of everyone in here can say that they've never had a condom slip of during sex. So I just don't buy into the explanation that it's for protection. Anyway it is what it is and it's your choice. I'm just gonna leave it be here since I'm not interested in going into any deeper or further discussions on the matter 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lexeren 44 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2023 Money well saved. Tak for info. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Antonia 345 10 Skrevet 5. Maj, 2023 Max Power skrev, den 3.5.2023 at 15:03: @Antonia 345 If you had seen i meny sms i have i the day there are 99% asking for sex without Then believe me you would have used 10 condoms not one FKK4Ever skrev, den 3.5.2023 at 16:51: 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kingdane68 398 Skrevet 7. Maj, 2023 Antonia 345 skrev, den 5.5.2023 at 09:23: If you had seen i meny sms i have i the day there are 99% asking for sex without Then believe me you would have used 10 condoms not one That's just a lie! Most of us, would never have sex without, and even more of us would never ask about it - because most girls write it in their ads. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Antonia 345 10 Skrevet 8. Maj, 2023 Then write to me on watupp and I will send you pictures of all the messages where a lot ask about sex without se i can price , it doesn't matter the discussion was different It was about why I always hold my hand. And I explained it's your choice of who you want to spend time. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ild i piben 233 Skrevet 8. Maj, 2023 kingdane68 skrev, den 3.5.2023 at 21:25: I øvrigt er det SÅ usexet, når GP'er bliver fornærmet og kommenterer vores anmeldelser Og af den grund, er jeg ude.. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Max Power 579 Skrevet 9. Maj, 2023 Antonia 345 skrev, den 5.5.2023 at 09:23: If you had seen i meny sms i have i the day there are 99% asking for sex without Then believe me you would have used 10 condoms not one Basically if you don’t trust the guy to maintain the condom on, abort the session or even better cancel from the beginning and offer money back, as opposed to doing “the hand” and getting a bad review and less customers.. just a thought/suggestion. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg