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Guest BadHusbond


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OldDane skrev, for 3 timer siden:

Så vidt jeg kan se, står adressen ikke i deres annonce. Så bør du jo nok ikke nævne den.

Der står Herlev Centrum i annoncen.

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Confirmed Badhusbond experience! Agreed on time but then once arrived, was told to wait 15 mins more because she was busy with...

I would not come back for Ice. She is a young girl, good looking and tempting, but not the same girl you look on the ads. She seems to be spoiled and she acts like an arrogant proud child. 

Ordered 30mins B2B with HJ. After 10 mins of "ok" back massage, she started the B2B.

She would try to jerk you off ASAP, even being told to slow down but she wouldn't. She did not bother to hide the intention to finish as quick as possible. The release would make you feel empty than satisfactory, believe me.

After that she offered back massage again. Once she said "thanks for today" then only 20 mins has passed.

I told her that we still had 10 mins more and ask politely if she could massage a bit more.

Then came 5 more mins of massage and it's over. 



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Guest BadHusbond
BadHusbond skrev, den 11/1/2019 at 12:03:

Skuffende service

skriver sammen kl 11.00 og bestiller 

30min b2b med mega som afslutning til en tusse.

ankommer kl 1155 og få at vide at hun er optaget!!

kommer ikke igen

Hov, sorry forkert link, prøver at finde den rigtige.

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