Gnimmelf 7 Skrevet 21. December, 2018 Jeg skal til Madeira i slutningen af januar. Har hørt om Brothels, som skulle være bordeller. Nogen som har erfaring og kan anbefale nogle frække stederi Funchal?? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buddha 539 Skrevet 22. December, 2018 Hi Gnimmelf! Congrats on your trip. It’s a beutiful island. Regarding your question about Brothels. Yes correct they are bordeller. But since prostitution is legal in Portugal and it’s illigal for a third party to profit from, promote or facilitate the prostitution of another they are hard to find. And I wouldn’t recommend you to ask around for bordellos My ”erfaring” is a couple of years old, but if I remeber correctly you could find adds in the newspaper with phonenumbers to ”houses of pleasure” When you do find them.... the routine is that the madame greets you and she brings out the girls.They introduce themselves one by one. You pick the one of your taste and flavour.... and well. You know...If you find a girl you really like. Don’t be afraid to ask for her number and you can book her directly. The fee varies from 50-100€ depending on how long time you want to be happy. You could also try the stripjoint Casablanca, if they still are open for business. Buy the stripper a drink or a lapdance, PRE. (Private Room Experience) Ask her for her number and you might get it, because some of the strippers doubletime as escorts. Good luck and happy hunting. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg