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I went to Amy’s place today...

She was better looking in reality (in my opinion) than the pictures. She gave me a sensual and erotic massage that was perfect for me. She is at a hotel and that was a first-time experience for me (having incall at a hotel) but felt really ok!

Now to the main attraction, Amy, she is young and really sweet to talk with and her body is perfect. Tight ass and well shaved pussy, nice & tight everywhere and she came when licking her, but thats was thanks to me ;)

To short with one hour, should extended it to at least two.

An overall great experience and I Will be back for sure!!!

Redigeret af KarlSwe

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KarlSwe, new user and first review. He does not claim the pics are real, he says she looks better than the pics.

I get a funny feeling about this review.

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She asked me for a review and I was satisfied and like to help her. Whats the problem? Need to do my first review sometime or? As my experience tell me NO ONE of the girls images are 100% accurate. To be honest, I see similarities in the images, but cant say 100% for shure. I was horny liked what I saw when the door opened, fucked her and thats enough for me. You could always turn around and leave. I have done that a couple of times so..

Redigeret af KarlSwe

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KarlSwe skrev, for 9 minutter siden:

She asked me for a review and I was satisfied and like to help her. Whats the problem? Need to do my first review sometime or? As my experience tell me NO ONE of the girls images are 100% accurate. To be honest, I see similarities in the images, but cant say 100% for shure. I was horny liked what I saw when the door opened, fucked her and thats enough for me. You could always turn around and leave. I have done that a couple of times so..


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KarlSwe skrev, for 35 minutter siden:

She asked me for a review and I was satisfied and like to help her. Whats the problem? Need to do my first review sometime or? As my experience tell me NO ONE of the girls images are 100% accurate. To be honest, I see similarities in the images, but cant say 100% for shure. I was horny liked what I saw when the door opened, fucked her and thats enough for me. You could always turn around and leave. I have done that a couple of times so..

Bullshit. Some girls do use acurrate pictures of them selves. 

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KarlSwe skrev, for 1 time siden:

I’m not stupid!

Hey Amy :D

Redigeret af Gæst

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KarlSwe skrev, for 7 timer siden:


I went to Amy’s place today...

She was better looking in reality (in my opinion) than the pictures. She gave me a sensual and erotic massage that was perfect for me. She is at a hotel and that was a first-time experience for me (having incall at a hotel) but felt really ok!

Now to the main attraction, Amy, she is young and really sweet to talk with and her body is perfect. Tight ass and well shaved pussy, nice & tight everywhere and she came when licking her, but thats was thanks to me ;)

To short with one hour, should extended it to at least two.

An overall great experience and I Will be back for sure!!!

Did you visit this girl?


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Guest umiaqse

Lets hope someone else can confirm the images or that she can take a photo with a danish newspaper.. cause IF they are real, I’m going for CPH..... (Feet’s  like her could make me travel half  the world :wub:)

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umiaqse skrev, for 3 timer siden:

Lets hope someone else can confirm the images or that she can take a photo with a danish newspaper.. cause IF they are real, I’m going for CPH..... (Feet’s  like her could make me travel half  the world :wub:)

No one is forcing you to visit any girl, guys. What is the worst thing that could happen? You get pussy!!!

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No one is forcing you to visit any girl, guys. What is the worst thing that could happen? You get pussy!!!

But it seems your to chicken to dear to try. Don’t, stay home and jerk off


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Guest umiaqse
KarlSwe skrev, for 1 minut siden:

No one is forcing you to visit any girl, guys. What is the worst thing that could happen? You get pussy!!!

KarlSwe... Why so agressiv??

The whole point of using pictures is to have a feeling of who you will meet. If they are fejk, why use images at all?? 

If you don’t care and just want “pussy”, fine...but most of us think differently. Some may get turned on by her breast, another by her ass. Personally I got turned on by her feet, and if I book her, that’s the feet I want to meet...

Mercedes don’t use BMW pictures in their ads ;)

The way you are writing just now, is hurting Amy more than helping :huh:.. we just wants to know if the pictures is of her...

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I’m a nice calm guy but get irritated when people dont see the whole picture. You Will NOT know if the images are real BEFORE you meet the person. So whats the deal, we are grownups and can say, NO THANKS and walk away if it not ok... Easy! But you are right, I thought it was ok as soon the door opened and I made my desicion on spot.

I’m hearing what you are saying, me too. So again, dear to try. Thats the only thing I’m saying.

Redigeret af KarlSwe

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KarlSwe skrev, for 14 minutter siden:

I’m a nice calm guy but get irritated when people dont see the whole picture. You Will NOT know if the images are real BEFORE you meet the person. So whats the deal, we are grownups and can say, NO THANKS and walk away if it not ok... Easy! But you are right, I thought it was ok as soon the door opened and I made my desicion on spot.

I’m hearing what you are saying, me too. So again, dear to try. Thats the only thing I’m saying.

You are a lousy pimp, Karl.:razz:

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Guest umiaqse
KarlSwe skrev, for 40 minutter siden:

You Will NOT know if the images are real BEFORE you meet the person.

Spot on... that is one of the reasons for using this forum and write a review: Helping others not waste their time and stop the use of fake pictures..

I have no problems with saying “No thanks” and walk away, but I hate when people waste my time!!

It’s better with real photos with blurred  face than using fakes..

Redigeret af umiaqse

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its sooo fake, the girl is argentinian, she lives in argentina and she is in argentina right now, is not her. believe it or not i know her, she is kinda famous, is some sort of clubs model.

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KarlSwe skrev, den 17/11/2018 at 17:05:

I’m a nice calm guy but get irritated when people dont see the whole picture. You Will NOT know if the images are real BEFORE you meet the person. So whats the deal, we are grownups and can say, NO THANKS and walk away if it not ok... Easy! But you are right, I thought it was ok as soon the door opened and I made my desicion on spot.

I’m hearing what you are saying, me too. So again, dear to try. Thats the only thing I’m saying.

Why do you write in english, when you don't speak the language..?

It`s not called "dear to try"....it`s called "dare to try"....but now we all know you're not fluent in english ;-)

You must understand, the girl gets her first review from a guy who never gave any reviews at all. The review is very very positive. 

If it looks fishy, it smells fishy - I guess it is fishy ;-)


And Amy was faster than lightning to get your review on her add...wow, I must say I am impressed ;-)

(irony may appear)

Redigeret af Thomsen

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Thomsen skrev, den 20/11/2018 at 13:56:

Why do you write in english, when you don't speak the language..?

It`s not called "dear to try"....it`s called "dare to try"....but now we all know you're not fluent in english ;-)

You must understand, the girl gets her first review from a guy who never gave any reviews at all. The review is very very positive. 

If it looks fishy, it smells fishy - I guess it is fishy ;-)


And Amy was faster than lightning to get your review on her add...wow, I must say I am impressed ;-)

(irony may appear)

Du er nu heller ikke for god. Den med "dear" kan åbenlyst være en banal fejl. Der skulle måske stå: "So again, dear, do try." Om det er den ene eller anden fejl, kan de begge skyldes autocorrect.

Det gælder derimod ikke din forveksling af add og ad, af must og should eller have (got) to. Og kongruensen: "who never gave any reviews at all" skulle være fx "who never previously has given any reviews". 

Osv. (NB, det hedder: Irony may be present. Din formulering betyder, at der måske i fremtiden optræder ironi ...)

Men nu ved vi du ikke er flydende på engelsk ... 

PS: Svenskere skriver ofte på engelsk.

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Thomsen skrev, den 20/11/2018 at 13:56:

now we all know you're not fluent in english ;-)

Nor you apparently. :lol:

Bebops fejliste kan suppleres med, at din kommatering og øvrige tegnsætning er helt i skoven og at sproget hedder English, og ikke english, som du åbenbart tror.

Jeg vil opfordre dig til at skrive på dansk, navnlig når du henvender dig til en anden skandinav.

Tak til @KarlSwe for en fin anmeldelse.

Ærgerligt, at SF og kys er koster ekstra.

Good Fun

Redigeret af Good Fun

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I har begge ret, jeg er ikke flydende i engelsk....derfor skriver jeg primært i dansk. :eek:

Jeg har aldrig hævdet, at mit engelske var perfekt, jeg har blot påpeget, at det skrevne ikke var udført af en engelsktalende person.

Dog fik jeg 11 i gymnasiet, på trods af de små skønhedsfejl.

Jeg har intet imod svenskere, jeg forstår tilmed svensk mindst lige så godt som engelsk. Jeg har faktisk boet i både England og i Sverige.

Min anke gik mest på, at annoncen stank af reklame, og at den formentlig var skrevet af Amy selv. Måske tager jeg fejl, måske ikke.

Dem der kender mig herinde, ved hvem jeg er, og hvad jeg står for. Bebop og Good Fun....I har slet ikke været med længe nok ;)


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