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Lisa for Love

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Guest PreferEnglish


I was out for some action today. Had a disappointment earlier this week, because I failed to do my homework. You guys need not do the same. Just read this and go pay the girls a visit.

I have had this establishment recommended before. I now hold them in very high esteem. This is a class place. I am coming back for more :P

I had my eyes set on a specific girl, blonde beauty Lisa, from Poland. I had to wait a bit. But I was determined. 

It was well worth the effort. Lisa is every bit as attractive as on escortguiden. On top of this she has such a nice personality. You can only like that girl. Major plus that she is fluent in English :D

Lisa is here for one week more. Just go and have some fun with her and the girls.

Formalities. Payment up front. I got 60 min. Its only a bit extra and then there is no rush. She delivers everything as advertised. Was fantastic to french kiss with her. I could do it all day <3

Personally I prefer a taller bed. They have different. Her bed is big mattress on floor. I prefer harder bed where I can stand for doggie. Tables also come in handy. Just a point of view!

I met another girl there that I have not seen on escortguiden. Her name is Vicky. She is slim, taller, Spanish girl with dark tan skin. Seemed to have similar nice personality. Could be next girl I visit ;)

Well, really nice place. Worth your effort if you want the good odds for nice experience. Not sure exactly what girls they have now. They change regularly. But they seem to have pretty much the same menu layout and price level on escortguiden. Have fun and enjoy...

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