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Really cheap girls - PIMPS and so

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I just read review about girl who who`s price was 500 and she offers anal also in this price, and many more. She is even having sex without. And that author of rev was really surpriced that "she wasnt even there" that he didn get GFE. REALLY? Do you expect from this poor unhapy girl who maybe is forced to work for at least 250kr for 30 min (I think it was price for 0.5h )that she will be fully happy to be with you? Did you even left her a tip? It is so sad it makes me wanna cry... I dont believe that you guys are going to such places. You are the one who makes girls work for almos free and you are inving theirs PIMPS ito the DK.... I am so sorry for all of thoes girls...:(  It is SO pathetic, this highh expecations from shitty money that that man have her. SHAME on you!

Redigeret af kati_arhus

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Guest 8270
kati_arhus skrev, 1 time siden:

I just read review about girl who who`s price was 500 and she offers anal also in this price, and many more. She is even having sex without. And that author of rev was really surpriced that "she wasnt even there" that he didn get GFE. REALLY? Do you expect from this poor unhapy girl who maybe is forced to work for at least 250kr for 30 min (I think it was price for 0.5h )that she will be fully happy to be with you? Did you even left her a tip? It is so sad it makes me wanna cry... I dont believe that you guys are going to such places. You are the one who makes girls work for almos free and you are inving theirs PIMPS ito the DK.... I am so sorry for all of thoes girls...:(  It is SO pathetic, this highh expecations from shitty money that that man have her. SHAME on you!

Do you have a link to the history you write about ?

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Guest Sparkster

Okay, I am going to try to write this without sounding like a complete asshole :) 

First of all, I think it is a horrible thought that anyone does anything that they dont want to do - the world we live in is cruel in that way. and I will not ever visit a girl where the price is so low that it seems "suspicious" to me. 500 for 1 hour... that is not alot, but then again we have people in Denmark that makes less in an hour, one example is an employee in a Supermarket over 18 years of age, will make between 114,- and 123,- pr. and that is hard physical work (and mental... people are assholes).

Regarding price in general. A very cynical (and I will most likely get my ass handed to my now) point of view. I have 4 years of College, and 5 years of University, my hourly rate before tax and VAT is about 1200,- and I do deliver my service at that rate. You... well you have good genes and a vagina, so you make 1500-2000 pr. hour... is that fair? dont get my wrong, if I could make my money on my back I would... I am just not that pretty... and I hate to work out.

I think that when someone voluntarily offers a service for a price, that service should be delivered. Thats basically it, so if someone on their own free will offers GFE for 500,- then that is what you should get when you pay 500,-

In the case where some one is forced it is a completely other story, we should all stay away and just have a quick wank (its cheap, leaves a bit of a mess but gets the job done). Pimps should receive harsh punishments, as well as everyone else involved in any form of human trafficking. The first step would be men just not visiting the girls that obviously are trafficked - but that is tricky.    

Redigeret af Sparkster
Best typo ever removed :) - Thank you Monte

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Really, you will compare market worker to girl who risk her healt and and even life. Who put dicks forengine people in her mouth? Do you know that we dont work 8h each day? And she will not have that 500 for her. MAXIMUM 250, and I think even less. 

Who told you not to work as an escort? It is fair. yoy can. Even you should to work as prostitute and then you will have some knowledge... As I wrote, many of thoes girls dont want to do this. I dont think that they could do it for cuch shitty money... It is all about RESPECT for PERSON. In ad was no words about GFE, was about 'fucking in each of 3 wholes"... And he have it, he fucked ger. GFE is too much to demand....

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Guest Røvslikker

Ohhh my good, someone call the coop....hvis vi eller andre er i tvivl, eller har mistanke om pigen er tvunget ud i noget mod hendes vilje, så er det enhver borger pligt at melde det til de respektive myndigheder...

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Guest Sparkster
kati_arhus skrev, for 8 minutter siden:

Really, you will compare market worker to girl who risk her healt and and even life

Not her specifically no. I have not seen the advertisement. And as I tried to write REALLY clearly there is a difference between being forced or doing something freely. If it is something she does freely, then yes I would compare it. I dont know her situation, and I am guessing that niether do you.

kati_arhus skrev, for 11 minutter siden:

Do you know that we dont work 8h each day

I could imagine you work less yes - you need clients to work, so I guess it is a supply and demand situation (makes sense), I work 8-12 hours a day, I am actually considering going down to 5-6 hours a day and raising my rate to 2400,- pr. hour - thats briliant! just need to convince my clients ;) 

kati_arhus skrev, for 15 minutter siden:

It is all about RESPECT for PERSON

Agreed, in all aspects of life.

kati_arhus skrev, for 16 minutter siden:

Who told you not to work as an escort?

Well I have had many sexual partners (bragging). I would say my reviews have been neutral or negative, so I dont think I would be succesfull as an escort... I am going to stick to my day job, for now - but if I change my mind, I would love to hire you as a consulting advisory, so we can make sure that my introduction to the field is done correctly, your rate is fair ;) 

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Røvslikker skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

Ohhh my good, someone call the coop....hvis vi eller andre er i tvivl, eller har mistanke om pigen er tvunget ud i noget mod hendes vilje, så er det enhver borger pligt at melde det til de respektive myndigheder...

I didn meet her, so it is hard to me to tell. 

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@Sparkster When I asked about working h I meant that we dont earn so much as you think, not so many h per day, and per week. 

Who did you iamgine as your client? Ugly, aybe fat, old lady? Or nice young woman? Is she good at BJ? No, so imagine that she bite your penis. Is she clean? So no, imagine that she is smelly, and her breath also... ;) 
And good reviews are not gaven for nothing, it is really hard job ;)  And   very very risky also. In many ways

Redigeret af kati_arhus

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kati_arhus skrev, for 1 minut siden:

I didn meet her, so it is hard to me to tell. 

Skriv dog på Dansk....i stedet for det volaplyk Engelsk, hvis i piger vil have det skumle væk må i gå til dem som udbyder/bagmænd der står bag, og dermed få dem fjernet.

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Guest Sparkster

@kati_arhus No no I got that :) my point is that I have a full working day, but you can make the same in half the time (good for you!) (maybe even less time depending on how you feel about paying tax) ;) 

Well my current clients are mostly criminals in different shapes and forms - my job is not without risk ;)

I have no clue what kind of women I would attract as an escort... I could imagine based on my track record that it would be gold diggers :D 

Yeah see thats my issue... I am awful in bed, so thats why I get a neutral or bad review... for some reason someone always get something in their eye... its weird.

Redigeret af Sparkster

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Guest Sparkster
Røvslikker skrev, for 5 minutter siden:

Skriv dog på Dansk....i stedet for det volaplyk Engelsk

Skal vi ikke være lidt overskuds agtige, og acceptere at ikke alle snakker dansk i danmark (af forskellige årsager) - og så vil jeg iøvrigt mene at det engelske der bliver skrevet er til at forstå :) 

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Sparkster skrev, for 4 minutter siden:

Skal vi ikke være lidt overskuds agtige, og acceptere at ikke alle snakker dansk i danmark (af forskellige årsager) - og så vil jeg iøvrigt mene at det engelske der bliver skrevet er til at forstå :) 

This is why I didnt coment that..;) It was like old old man i Germany - You are in GERMANY! Speak German! ...:D *Heil Hitler".  ;)
Maybe he is just angry that he dont know english? Or it is just DISRESPECT?;)

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Guest Røvslikker

Indskyld..det her er for lavt HEIL HITLER og ja det er mangel på respekt fra en gammel mand, oversæt det til polsk, og derfra til engelsk...suk

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Please consider what you write. You are actually  in Denmark, and there is no reason for bringing up something that happened 80 years ago. Otherwise you are the unserious person!!!

Regarding the discussion, this is dangerous land.. As Sparkster point out, the salary for somebody working in a shop is approxmiately 115 og 125 kr. per hour, from which the person is going to pay tax, so the hourly rate left over is around 70 kr. per  hour.

A "girl of happynes" get a payrate from 1.600,- +

You come from Poland, so you are very much aware of low payrates, so I don't need to tell you about it. You Work in Denmark, probably because of this.


As Sparkster point out, if the girl is forced to Work at this Price, it is a big problem and should be reported.

If she Works at this Price of her free will (because it is better than working in a shop), it is totally up to her, and you should not interfer with it, even though it may remind you of something you know from your home country.


Redigeret af Randers_Borger

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Randers_Borger skrev, Lige nu:


Please consider what you write. You are actually  in Denmark, and there is no reason for bringing up something that happened 80 years ago. Otherwise you are the unserious person!!!

Regarding the discussion, this is dangerous land.. As Sparkster point out, the salary for somebody working in a shop is approxmiately 115 og 125 kr. per hour, from which the person is going to pay tax, so the hourly rate left over is around 70 kr. per  hour.

I am completly sure, that you dont udnestand what I mean, and what I wrote ;)  

I am paying the tax like many others working girls, so I dont have all of my income. And I am paying the rent, the ads and so. But is it not the point... I am glad, that there are many people who think like me about that sad review.... All the best for you. I wish you ALL less angryness more happyness. Have a nice weekend.

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Please bear in mind, that the girl working in the shop for 125 kr. per hour, ALSO pay her tax, rent, etc.

For her there is a counter saying: You arrived at 8 this morning and you left at 15:00....

If the customer pays Cash, there is not counter at your place!!!!!!

I do know, that you and all other "girls of happiness " will disagree with me, but I am point out the fact, that you can do what ever you want regarding tax!!!

And, I am not angry, not at all, I am just pointing out the facts, and there is no reason to lie or not being honest here.


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kati_arhus skrev, for 10 minutter siden:

I am completly sure, that you dont udnestand what I mean, and what I wrote ;)  

I am paying the tax like many others working girls, so I dont have all of my income. And I am paying the rent, the ads and so. But is it not the point... I am glad, that there are many people who think like me about that sad review.... All the best for you. I wish you ALL less angryness more happyness. Have a nice weekend.

Plz read the last comments, I posted before it was finished!

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Why dont You start to organize a Union for prostitutes.

kati_arhus skrev, for 8 minutter siden:

All the best for you. I wish you ALL less angryness more happyness. Have a nice weekend.

Really? Us? We need to be less angry? Really? You´re serious? You dont have any anger-issues? Really? Give me a break, and You can have the KitKat...

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underdog40 skrev, for 1 minut siden:

Why dont You start to organize a Union for prostitutes.

Really? Us? We need to be less angry? Really? You´re serious? You dont have any anger-issues? Really? Give me a break, and You can have the KitKat...

Do you feel touched with my post? Are you the one who dont respect girls? Or you choose the cheapest ones?  Then good. If not - why you take it to yourself?


No KK - I am on a diet ;)

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Please bear in mind, that I have nothing against other people, I simple love talking to people from all over the World. I have been to many countries, also Poland, and I have been treated fantastic by the Polish people, so I have the deepest respect for them :-)

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kati_arhus skrev, for 4 minutter siden:

Do you feel touched with my post? Are you the one who dont respect girls? Or you choose the cheapest ones?  Then good. If not - why you take it to yourself?


No KK - I am on a diet ;)

Huh? Is THAT the conlussion you got from my respons? You sound pretty pissed off, and tells everyone else to go find "less angryness". You´re out of reach. If I tell You the sky is blue, You will say it´s purple. If I say the soda is sweet, you will find it bitter. Bark up another tree. You can still have the KitKat ;)

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