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Hmm, but what I don't get is why... I mean, you can bid (done that several times) but so far I've not won one auction that actually got a response. Well, sure, got some email about going to another page, but so far I've had my bid rejected several times, and that wouldn't happen if it were an outright scam, then all winning bids would get you links to paysites. I'm guessing most are fake, but there are probably a few real auctions as well. The reason for rejection is never stated, but I'm guessing the bid was too low, but then again if you start an auction at 100 DKK and don't tell anyone what the lowest bid accepted as a winning bis is then people will bid low... After all, why pay more than needed?

Thinking it's not worth it anyway, because if they really expect you to pay 3000+ then I might as well meet a GP :P

Redigeret af horndog74

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