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I have an old profile here at eroguide but I have a good (and personal) reason to not use it, which I don't want to go into, so I'm starting again on a new profile.

Sorry, I don't speak Danish confidently enough to write it so I will stick with English here.

It's been a while since I made a review (on my old profile), but I feel compelled to provide credit when credit is due.

Having been let down on a rainy Friday evening by a new (to me) girl with some good recent reviews (actually not the girl's fault and she had the integrity to explain why she couldn't make visit at last minute, where many would simply not show up, so no hard feelings), I decided to take a wild chance on a new profile that just popped up on EG. A risky thing but the tattoos and the Danish newspaper in her hand convinced me that the pictures were real, so the only risk was whether the service would be good or bad. She looks delicious in my mind, in the photos, so a phone call confirmed she could come to my apartment in about an hour, and she duly did.


We agreed on phone 1-hour but I was immediately struck by her great looks in person and pleasant and smiling personality, so we agreed an extension to the time, which allowed us to relax, have a chat and glass of wine.

In person, she looks more natural and more her 23 years than she does in the photos (she looks a little older in the photos I think). She is such a pleasant and confident girl, so easy to get on with, and with reasonable English.  Apparently, I was only her second ever "outcall" but I guess I put her at ease and she was natural and relaxed.

She has silicon boobs, some great quality tattoos (for those who like that, which I do) and a body which, to my mind is perfectly proportioned.

I won't go into any great detail about the sex, because everyone is to their own, but I will say that she kisses passionately, lots of body contact, is not shy and did not hold back in any way, she did everything I like in sex, I have no complaints, and evidently, neither has she. Sure, we had that chemistry and there is no accounting for that, she seemed to enjoy it as much as I did, and that is important to me.

Chance of a repeat: 100%

Something selfish tells me not to write a review like this so I can keep her all to myself, as irrational as that sounds, but if we don't promote those that provide an outstanding service, they will not come back (she's from Hungary), so please give her a go if you feel so inclined, and I hope you have as good a time as I did. I am so happy I took a chance, I got lucky and struck gold!




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Guest tvr

Nice review. THanks. 

I like the start of her ad: "Because of shitty weather I have hot discount for you" !!!


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Thanks Frej af Asgaard. Indeed, if anyone seriously suspects my review to be a false advert, you can PM me and I'll give you my old profile, you can check it (providing you have history here yourself ;-)  ) 

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Guest CuriousDk

How does her vagina look like? Symmetrical and “closed” or more like a meat flower? 

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Guest niklas23
CuriousDk skrev, for 20 minutter siden:

How does her vagina look like? Symmetrical and “closed” or more like a meat flower? 

What the fuck dude?

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Guest CuriousDk
niklas23 skrev, for 3 timer siden:

What the fuck dude?

You don’t get the question or? 

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How does her vagina look like? Symmetrical and “closed” or more like a meat flower? 


I don't see too good when I remove my glasses! So sorry, I cannot possibly comment.

Redigeret af gigawatt

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Guest CuriousDk
gigawatt skrev, for 11 timer siden:

I don't see too good when I remove my glasses! So sorry, I cannot possibly comment.

Ok. No worries :) 

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Jeg fik også en rigtig god oplevelse med Nicole. Nem at lave aftale med, som blev overholdt, og hun er sød og indlevende, og giver rigtig god service, uden hastværk. Kan anbefales<3


CuriousDk skrev, den 22/10/2017 at 18:45:

How does her vagina look like? Symmetrical and “closed” or more like a meat flower? 

Vil sige både og, som en symmetrisk "meat flower".

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Guest Eron
Lynkineseren skrev, for 21 timer siden:

Jeg fik også en rigtig god oplevelse med Nicole. Nem at lave aftale med, som blev overholdt, og hun er sød og indlevende, og giver rigtig god service, uden hastværk. Kan anbefales<3


Vil sige både og, som en symmetrisk "meat flower".

Kan du kommenterer lidt mere på hendes superfranske og hendes kys, hvis du prøvede dem? - ligger på vippen til at prøve hende

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Eron skrev, for 46 minutter siden:

Kan du kommenterer lidt mere på hendes superfranske og hendes kys, hvis du prøvede dem? - ligger på vippen til at prøve hende

Hendes superfransk var godt. Varieret og temposkift og lidt HJ indimellem. Ikke det bedste jeg har prøvet, men over middel.

Franske kys er også inkluderet i basispakken. Vi tungekyssede lidt indimellem, men jeg blev ikke snavet i gulvet. Men ok.

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Ser nice ud, men når jag hör ”Nicole” tænker jag på gamle Nicol. Ungarsk nips, brunette på 45 kilo og naturlig nymfoman :wub:

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Har også været en tur forbi Nicole, en dejlig sexet sød pige som gør meget for at man får en god oplevelse. Super positive ting: lækker krop, frækt blik og dejligt sødt smil, godt økoblow, ret udmærket indlevelse. Hun har også sans for lidt "cuddling" efter seancen og det er et plus i min bog. Hvis der skal hældes en lille smule malurt i bægeret så kunne man godt smage ved kyssene at hun er ryger, men det trak kun en lille smule ned i forhold til helhedsindtrykket.

En klar anbefaling herfra, kan sagtens finde på at komme en tur forbi Nicole en anden god gang :-P

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Jeg träffade Nicole idag og kan bare instämme med de postive anbefallningerne her. Meget smuk pike och et blow & kropp langt over medel.

Gentagelse: svar ja!

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