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Current GFE queen in CPH?

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FlyingDick skrev, for 7 minutter siden:

GFE = Tongue kisses + Super French (licking balls is a bonus) + 69

For you, not necessarily for others 

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FlyingDick skrev, for 1 minut siden:

Sure. but who is your favorit who is here now?

I thought we talked about the concept of GFE and not my favorite of girls

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Do you guys have a history? As I see it, it's quite simple: FlyingDick asks us (in the headline) who provides the best GFE in Cph, followed by his personal preferences. The rest is lack of will to communicate, it seems...:wacko:

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TheVoice skrev, 1 time siden:

Sorry, what are you trying to tell us ? :)

Han efterlyser den bedste til GFE i Kbh for tiden ...

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Allez skrev, for 39 minutter siden:

Well the one I would go with is Melly. Best GFE I have ever had:


Bare husk hun kun tager imod mænd under 50 år desværre for mig:(

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