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dongding skrev, for 46 minutter siden:

If you don't know you can't help with my search!

.. and if you don't add value to a discussion you only help youself and not the community.

If you add a link the discussion will help more than you, when you get a feed back.

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dongding skrev, for 48 minutter siden:

Certain girls don't need a link!

do you agree?

i am not starting a chat session I am reaching out for information!

And we will not help you :)

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Had she had surgery?

At her boobies or other things??..

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dongding skrev, for 3 timer siden:

Certain girls don't need a link!

do you agree?

i am not starting a chat session I am reaching out for information!

I do not agree! 

You are reaching out for information FOR YOU and not for all. Herein lies the difference.

If this forum was only for people who knew whom we were talking about then i would concur.

How ever it is not so. This is a place where we aim to assist each other, not only those who are well-informed, but also those who are seeking information.

Someone in short time might seek out info about a woman with deep skills or are just interested in what woman you are talking about.

Then he have to waste time figuring out who Leticia is.  You know, he don't - and thus you have limited the value of this discussion to only those who know including yourself.

So: Add value for all and be friendly. It brings us all a little bit furter and saves time for all.

Have a nice sunday. I hope you find what you are looking for.

Best regards


Redigeret af Harran

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Be friendly you say? Like you did in a review by adding a link? You could have done that with my search! So you only help some and not all? Too much bla from you guy:-)

we should help not pick at people!

Say have a nice Sunday when you mean it please!


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ppd skrev, den 7/5/2017 at 07:58:

Had she had surgery?

At her boobies or other things??..

I onsdags skrev du selv det her indlæg, hvor du omtaler, hvilken operation der er tale om:

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