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Coco hot blondy party girl, is she real?

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I am not so worried about her touring around europe that is not unusual.

What makes my alarm bell goes of, is that the text is more or less a copy of some high class escort in NY.

http://www.newyorkgfeclub.com/model.php?model_id= 69

If the text is a copy, is the pictures then a copy too?

When that is said, I have been lucky with some insanely beautiful escorts touring and had their way came by Copenhagen for a few days, but they are rare (and it was many years ago). Chances are that it is another lady showing up on your door steep, I have also tried that with the Russian ladies.

I think at this point its a coin flip.

I am pretty convinced that the pictures on escort guide is stolen.

Look at this picture from dream girls in NY, it has a water mark.


Look at escort guide:


Picture is cropped exactly at the water mark.

If she was really the girl, then could she just have used her original picture.



Redigeret af GrayNinja

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