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The following is my experience of Celina today at Seduction. I have not seen so many anmeldelser here. And with this top of the line experience, Celina deserves a good word or many here. I always return to the great ones. I will return to Celina.

 I have had many good first time encounters. But great, not so many. Celina was one of those great. It is difficult to say something was the best ever, there are a few competing, but I can honestly say Celina today was one of the best first time one on one sessions I have had in Denmark. And elsewhere by the way. I had a good vibe already before so I decided for 45 minutes instead of 30, my normal first time session time. A risky choice as we had not met but it was such a right gamble!!No details but I will break it down a little.

For me 4 things matter when I decide a visit one on one. 

1. The place. In this case, Seduction needs no introduction. Not only the greatest sexparties in Denmark, I have liked Seduction for the staff and piger since first time there.. 

2. Pigens social skills/person. A nice personality is important for me. I like to talk. If we are to walk the walk, first we talk the talk. In this case, Celina was very nice to talk to. Easy to feel. The feel was real.

3. Pigens look. I like a hot looking pige. That is of course a matter of taste. In a general perspective, Celina is very hot. Beautiful face and hot body. I usually do not talk about details but Celina has a curvy, tight body that is hard to deny...

4. The act. High intense energy and a personal chemistry. Not common to find. I like a pige who is in it to win it. Celina gave me that vibe. 

So to get all these 4 are very rare in my book. And I am not new in the game... And my visit to Celina was very rare. If you think this sounds to good to be true, well try yourself. It is all about chemistry but some girls just ROCK!!!


If you read this Celina, thanks for today. Such a nice time. See you later!!:-D

Thanks everyone for reading. Take care ladies and gents. Best regards. /A


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kattjakt skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Men jeg er fra SE:eek:... Maybe not that interesting....haha... :grin:

med vänlig hälsning A

Hvis du besøger nogle flere Seduction-piger, vil de sikkert finde dig interessant nok.

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kattjakt skrev, for 12 timer siden:

Men jeg er fra SE:eek:... Maybe not that interesting....haha... :grin:

med vänlig hälsning A

Thank you for that you write in English instead of Swedish :)

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gerog skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Thank you for that you write in English instead of Swedish :)


Uenig i den tak. Jeg synes tværtimod, at det er udtryk for mental dovenskab og en falliterklæring, når vi skandinaver opgiver at kommunikere med hinanden på vores respektive modersmål.


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Good Fun skrev, for 17 minutter siden:

Enig Deep - Gerogs afsporing var unødvendig.

Det var dig der afsporet da du valgte at kommentere på det i stedet for at ignorere det.

Redigeret af gerog

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Just to explain my choice of language.

I have experienced that some danish misunderstands swedish text. I write in english so the risk of misunderstanding is lower. But this thread is about Celina. This discussion is off topic here.

But for the scandinavian language spirit!

Celina är söt som socker. Men bakom det söta tror jag det finns en Naughty Celina.... Men detta kan ju Celina svara själv på....

Men högsta klass är du Celina!!

Top of the line!! Hälsningar A

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Celina er noget helt specielt, som alle herinde burde burde forkæle sig selv med med et besøg.

Mange rigtige gode stunder og minder ... En af den slags man næsten ikke vil dele =)

Farligt vanedannende =D

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Guest Runaldo

@CelinaChristy ser jo giga juicy ud .. Ligesom stortset alle damerne på SG .. Ugh .. Håber snart jeg vinder i lotto, så jeg kan booke dem alle - på een gang :)

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