raggae 14 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 im sorry for Writing in English.but im sure everyone understands. i am tired of all these fake profiles.so i have contacted escortguid to look into it.its not fair for us or for the other Girls who are honest.so if anyone know of fake profile please comment so something Can be done 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lemac 518 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 Do you mean profiles that are all together fake, scams etc? Or just that they are a real girl but have a false photo? (Beacause that seems to be quite normal in the ads) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ny_kjs 109 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 you are absolutely right and it is good that there are focus on this problem. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
raggae 14 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 everything fake.fake profiles.when i buy an ipad i expect to get an ipad not a Samsung galaxy.i expect the same when i book a Girl.i dont have a prob with photoshop.now they have Even started stealing eachothers Pictures.this needs to stop and its up to escortguid to put a stop to this Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 (edited) Well, good luck with that mission. I know a girl who got her pics stolen and published in an other ad at Escortguide. At the same time as her own ad was on. She called them, and got this answer: "It's not our problem, we didn't steal them". Honestly, Ekstrabladet (that owns Escortguide) couldn't care less, as long as the money keeps coming. Since app. 25 percent of the ads use fake/stolen pics, there would be a noticeable loss of income, if they managed to block these ads. They've got no interest in such measures. Sorry, but there you go. Redigeret 27. Januar, 2016 af Bananas 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 raggae skrev, for 3 timer siden: i am tired of all these fake profiles.so i have contacted escortguid to look into it.its not fair for us or for the other Girls who are honest.so if anyone know of fake profile please comment so something Can be done Welcome in the club ... Your post doesn't really make sense in many ways, sorry. Most of the ad's are not "fake," but use fake pic's. The site owners probably don't care as long as they get their money from advertisers and customers keep using their site. Finally, it is not a review and not regional problem. For that reason I will request a mod to move it to "Falsk markedsføring" ("fake advertising"). But good luck. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
QivitoQ 301 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 (edited) Bebop skrev, for 32 minutter siden: I will request a mod to move it to "Falsk markedsføring" ("fake advertising"). Har valgt at flytte den til generel debat, da trådstarter ikke linker til konkrete annoncer. vh Q Redigeret 27. Januar, 2016 af Qivitoq 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Grækeren Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 Escortguide....this site are full of fake, I'll never use it...waist off time Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
raggae 14 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 well if thats How to Guys wanna See Things Good luck.but where i come from we fight for Things or xhabges we want.and if escortguide doesnt do anything i Will just take This problem further.but we have to do something instead of just bitching about it line a bunch of Girls.so if you Guys wanna help great uf not,keep biching Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bananas 17609 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2016 raggae skrev, for 7 timer siden: well if thats How to Guys wanna See Things Good luck.but where i come from we fight for Things or xhabges we want.and if escortguide doesnt do anything i Will just take This problem further.but we have to do something instead of just bitching about it line a bunch of Girls.so if you Guys wanna help great uf not,keep biching Help? How? You've got a plan? If so, please elaborate ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 28. Januar, 2016 The only thing that works is competition. This is capitalism, you guys That means if another site could get enough publicity and at the same time guarantee verified photos, then it would outperform escortguide and/or force them to change. Many have claimed they were going to try, but I haven't seen anyone go through with it. Strange, it really shouldn't be that difficult? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 31. Januar, 2016 Grækeren skrev, den 27 ianuarie 2016 at 15:37: Escortguide....this site are full of fake, I'll never use it...waist off time I am sorry that you are disappointed...never say never honey...hugs and hot kissis NIKOLE :)))) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 31. Januar, 2016 Bebop skrev, den 28/1/2016 at 10:04: The only thing that works is competition. This is capitalism, you guys That means if another site could get enough publicity and at the same time guarantee verified photos, then it would outperform escortguide and/or force them to change. Many have claimed they were going to try, but I haven't seen anyone go through with it. Strange, it really shouldn't be that difficult? I've seen a couple of sites that enforce a no-fake-pic policy during the last couple of years. They are mentioned in this forum under "Annoncelinks". Escort5.dk did enforced this some years ago, if i remember correct . Unfortunately its not the pics that are problematic, but rather the ads. Lately f scam-ads have emerged on annoncelight.dk and not much has been done against them. Probably due to the costs involved in checking every ad. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jernsvinet 13951 Skrevet 31. Januar, 2016 Roland skrev, 1 time siden: Probably due to the costs involved in checking every ad If the ads weren`t for free, there would be money to pay for checking and if fake ads were deleted without refund, the problem would be less. The more honest a site is, the more customeres they will attract and the more money they can ask for ads, so I really don´t understand why add-sites don´t have a more non-tolerance policy against fake pictures? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 31. Januar, 2016 Jernsvinet skrev, for 9 timer siden: If the ads weren`t for free, there would be money to pay for checking and if fake ads were deleted without refund, the problem would be less. Not possible since you by law can regret any purchase within 14 days. I'm not sure how this could not be applicable in this market . I do remember some discussions at this forum last year where one of the suggestions was that you only could use pics if you were an trusted user. Meaning had you been an ordinary user for some time then you could post pictures. I think this is an easy and feasable way of doing it. On the other hand; if users visit escortguide, escort4, varmsex and others like those then its their own problems. The users decide and for now they decide with their dick and not their head. Jernsvinet skrev, for 9 timer siden: The more honest a site is, the more customeres they will attract and the more money they can ask for ads, so I really don´t understand why add-sites don´t have a more non-tolerance policy against fake pictures? I understand your logic and share, but the reality is that this does not happen. Lots of users like to take risks and as long someone is willing to pay for it sites will post ads no matter if it screams SCAM or not Just being realitic. I miss a discussion, in danish, about what to do about it. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 1. Februar, 2016 Roland skrev, for 17 timer siden: Not possible since you by law can regret any purchase within 14 days. I'm not sure how this could not be applicable in this market . Nej, ikke ethvert køb. Man kan sagtens indlægge en klausul i aftalen om at fortrydelsesretten bortfalder samtidig med at den købte ydelse (her annoncering) benyttes. Loven er en forbrugerbeskyttelsesforanstaltning, som næppe overhovedet er relevant for annoncører, der sælger serviceydelser (altså erhvervsdrivende). Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 1. Februar, 2016 Bebop skrev, for 5 timer siden: Nej, ikke ethvert køb. Man kan sagtens indlægge en klausul i aftalen om at fortrydelsesretten bortfalder samtidig med at den købte ydelse (her annoncering) benyttes. Loven er en forbrugerbeskyttelsesforanstaltning, som næppe overhovedet er relevant for annoncører, der sælger serviceydelser (altså erhvervsdrivende). Hmmmm... du har nok ret. men annoncøren er vel i dette tilfælde en forbruger der har købt en vare og ikke får værdi for den. Dvs. en slags selvtægt. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg