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Maise Mon-Cherie Outstanding and I mean Outstanding

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Hey fellow guiders,


Since I don´t write dansk that good and I know that some of you guys have a hard time understanding svensk, and I feel more comfortable with it. This anmeldelse will be in english. I hope it´s okey with you guys?


I have deliberately avoided to read aaaalll the anmeldelser regarding the GP´s that are stationed in houses such as SG or PG or MC. I have travelled all around the world and tried some of the worst, best and farmost ugliest, most beutiful girls there is. And the thing I allways tend to do is to try for my self and I don't listen to others. I want to do my own misstakes. Except in small catholic areas. There you follow the priest to see which brothel he uses :smile: A tip for you, and go see what restaurant he goes to. There you will find the best "meals" regarding both places.


I´m the kind of guy who wants pleasure and to give pleasure. I´m not into the wham bam thank you mam sessions. I whant passion, sences and chemistry without the "in love" part of it. I am happily married and have kids, so my love is for them. But I seek the adrenaline of having no strings attached sex.


After having looked around at what Copenhagen offers in brothel range and boy have I red the girls texts on their offers. My choice fell on Maise and Mon-Cherie. Her text spoke to me in a way that I'v never experienced before. My first thought was that it was to good to be true. But beeing the person I am that gladely jumps an airplane....... well you know. So said and done. Reservation was made. I arrived 15 min before my time. A method for me to check out the surrondings and establish a feeling for the place. Rang the door, the phonelady opens. A perky thing with a cap and a sense of humor I liked immediately. I felt comfy. Sitting there in that room I overheard someone having a client in the next room. First I thought it was some kind of pornomovie that was on. Then I heard laughter. And someone with...well let me put it this way. He didn´t qualifiied for the Olympics doing gymnastics. Man had he trouble getting out of the bed. I sat there with a smile and thought there is one for everyone. After awhile the perky phone lady came back and showed me to the session room. And beg me to wait.

The sound of heels outside the door got my attention, a small knock on the door and in she came. Wow. Having seen Maises pics on the web and didn´t put any thoughts into them. I was knocked by her natural look. Money changed hands. And when she came back....well it was like we knew eachother from way back. But we had maybe just exhanged some greetings and some civilties. She gave me a hug and and a tiny searching kiss on my lips. We started to nibble and cuddle eachother like we were on a dancefloor at a nightclub having decided that we will spend the night together. Then she kneeled and... well you don´t need any details. But not in a pornstar way. In a natural relaxed way. Like I was the one for her. I know it sounds crazy, but I felt like a King. Some more nibbeling and cuddeling brought us to the bed. I bend her over the edge and starting performing fellatio on her  from behind..... I could feel that she was into it.... and liked what I was doing. Small moans came from her. Really sexy moans. We then continued up in the bed, I was still doing my performance on her. All of a sudden she says: - If you continue further I will squirt. WTH. That sounded like an excuse. Wow she is natural and polite. I have found my muse. Who wounden't have the pleasure of beeing squirted at doing fellatio. That is like the top review of your performance. And Maise I know you will read this.... My technique will be our little secret huh?The whole time there was nibbeling and cuddeling in a way that was soft, cool and with passion. I don´t have to explain to you guys how it ended. But my conclusion is that there are some of the GP's out there that really can enjoy a session if you:

1: Treat her like an equal

2: Are a gentleman

3: Listens to her needs and allow her to be in the center as much as you.

Today I conclude that my search is over, well kind of. I will allways be keen. But I know I can allways fall back on Maise were I know that she will see me, and feel me. And I know that she will allowe me to treat her gently. I have never before experienced Passion, lust and chemistry this much without beeing newly wed :smile:


Hey guys. If you treat her like the gem she is, she will glow and glitter for you. There is no need to treat anyone bad, but this gem is special. There might be others I know that. But this is my outmost personal conclusion of my visit to her today. 


I wish you all happy hunting and hope that you will find/have found the real experience that I found today. And to Maise. Thank you so very much for today. Outstanding delivery. Yes I know the text isn´t that philosophical like I wished it would be. But it´s from the bottom of my heart and the tip of my tongue :-P 

Hugs to y'all and a big kiss to Maise



Redigeret af Buddha

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Mr T.

Tak for det. Som till TeeBee bugar jag & bockar. Är lidt osikker på vad "ramte plet" betyder men väljer tolka det som "spot on" :-)

Redigeret af Buddha

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Mr T.

Tak for det. Som till TeeBee bugar jag & bockar. Är lidt osikker på vad "ramte plet" betyder men väljer tolka det som "spot on" :smile:


Spot on, yep :)

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Mycket trevlig berättelse om en alldeles speciell upplevelse. För till syvende och sist är det ju upplevelser vi skriver om; inte kvinnor vi recenserar.

Hoppas du inte får allt för mycket skit nu, för att du skrivit på engelska.

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Hej Bananas!

Tack och bock till dig också. Du har fattat det korrekt. Det var min upplevelse som jag ville få ut.

Skulle jag få skit, ja som dansken säger: Pyt med det :-) I´ve got a friend that could go Bananas on them :-P.

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Guest elsker_sex

I´m happy you had an exceptional experience. There is a few OUTSTANDING and AMAZING girls in Denmark. Maise is one of them. It´s crazy, that some girls can deliver how she can. I know its stupid to put girls on a pedestal and more stupid to rank them, but I will claim, that Maise is one of the best in Denmark.

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Ingen vil blive uenig med dig ang. Maises kvaliteter!  Tak for anmeldelsen og det er HELT OK for mig at du skriver på engelsk. Håber ikke at der kommer nogle indvendinger fra moderatorens side!

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