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Jeg spurgte til golden shower og prostata massage som anført i menyen, herefter blev jeg vist ud af døren; " Please go, You are not my type of costumer".

Det er aldrig sket før...


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Hello, I'm Zara, the girl you are mentioning in your comment... it is clear that we all have the right to our opinion since these types of forums are expressly available to the user for that purpose... What seems degrading to me is that you have forgotten to mention some details, which I remind you of; Respect, education, and personal hygiene for me are essential, to which you did not correspond, with all due respect, your physical appearance leaves much to be desired, and your smell is disgusting, so in the first 3 minutes I invited you to go out. And also his express question was what dirty service I do... I don't have dirty service, I answered. I respectfully ask that you use this channel to give your honest opinions to the user, not as a tool of revenge. Good day

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zara skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Hello, I'm Zara, the girl you are mentioning in your comment... it is clear that we all have the right to our opinion since these types of forums are expressly available to the user for that purpose... What seems degrading to me is that you have forgotten to mention some details, which I remind you of; Respect, education, and personal hygiene for me are essential, to which you did not correspond, with all due respect, your physical appearance leaves much to be desired, and your smell is disgusting, so in the first 3 minutes I invited you to go out. And also his express question was what dirty service I do... I don't have dirty service, I answered. I respectfully ask that you use this channel to give your honest opinions to the user, not as a tool of revenge. Good day

Well written Zara. You have all the right in the world to say no, if he can't even take care of hes hygene before he arrives.

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zara skrev, den 22.3.2024 at 12:14:

Hello, I'm Zara, the girl you are mentioning in your comment... it is clear that we all have the right to our opinion since these types of forums are expressly available to the user for that purpose... What seems degrading to me is that you have forgotten to mention some details, which I remind you of; Respect, education, and personal hygiene for me are essential, to which you did not correspond, with all due respect, your physical appearance leaves much to be desired, and your smell is disgusting, so in the first 3 minutes I invited you to go out. And also his express question was what dirty service I do... I don't have dirty service, I answered. I respectfully ask that you use this channel to give your honest opinions to the user, not as a tool of revenge. Good day

Hey Zara. Thanks for the "flowers"- the best defense is an attack. Please remark, i did'nt write anyyhing negative, only facts. And if you offer me GS and prostatate massage in a sms, i consider is as  dirty services.., maybe i'm fault. You may be a bit more honest in your adwertisement, please write that you dont offer a shower, i came just from work, you dont like adault men, etc thats better than offering poppers a.o.. I did'nt take revenge, it was only a service information for other customers. Take care!

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