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List with good and reliable Danish escort sites?

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Hi. I'm trying to find good escort sites in Denmark with as hot girls as possible, and with as little fakes as possible. Check the list below. Is anyone of these fake? Have I missed some? I would like to find a site for more amateur escort like students.




This site has hotter girls but are they fake?

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MrBiggerThicker skrev, for 2 timer siden:

This site has hotter girls but are they fake?

That one seems completely fake. The others are the more regular sites.

I have asked to have the subject moved to a relevant group.

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@MrBiggerThicker You can find fakes, on all the sites you listed. But use their AD id, the last numbers in the ad to search here on Eroguide.

Except Nympho, that's either the numbers with N before, or the 4 numbers after "/". 

I would say Nympho & Escortguide is the best. (they cover Sjælland)

Annoncelight is more all over Denmark, so the girls from Jylland, uses that one. And also www.escort-side.dk, but this one is the worst, and i dont recommend it, unless you find a girl that has good reviews & Proven reel.

The last one i havent heard anything about, and i wouldnt be using that one.

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