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Anybody been successful in getting a 4-hands massage at this place recently, and is willing to share? Like if the massage is any good and if they are nude/topless?

My written Danish sucks, but I understand the written part pretty good.

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Really guys? Nobody wanna admit they been there?

I can inform you, that I tried to get a 4-hand the other day, but it was only 1 girl there that day. And in the meantime, the ad at escortguide got taken over by this “Jane”, the one girl that day I guess. 

Questions was answered with “come and we about it”,  maybe not a good sign.

Not been there, and unless somebody wanna pitch in, maybe I visit them, and come with a review


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Doing a simple search for Dee Dee finds this https://www.eroguide.dk/forum/search/?q=%22Dee%20dee%22&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy

A mix of different experiences. Personally I have had 30 min massage and BJ by Jane. Massage was useless but BJ was ok

Add on EG seems to be gone, so cannot find add id. 

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Thanks dudes, the reviews were helpful.

@Den rejsende, thanks for sharing. Was hoping for a decent massage, but from the reviews, I don't have l the highest hopes for the other 2 girls. Whenever (or if) they show up.

Never tried a non-thai and thai at the same time, so maybe I give it a try. Just not with high low hopes for a fantastic massage, but maybe to check that off my list ;)

Please feel free to comment in Danish, I understand it well, but isnt comfortable in writing myself. Too many chances for misunderstandings. 

Svar gerne på dansk, min skrevne dansk misforstås ofte. Jeg er tryggere på engelsk, beklager.

Redigeret af Lebowsky
Replies in Danish is welcome

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