bl4d3y 7 Skrevet 29. September, 2023 Very positive experience. I am not a guy that does this often and i usually go for little time for obvious reasons. That usually brings out the worst in the girls so i try to always share my experiences here. That being said, this one was VERY nice! Nothing special in the service, good BJ! What is special is her personality! She is a bubbly lady with a great curvy body, fake tits, but not by much (still good to manhandle and she likes it). She broke the ice VERY quickly with the first few words and actually led a conversation which is a rarity in my experiences. Would highly recommend! Comes from Ukraine so conservative in the sexual acts department, i have not tried anything kinky since it;s not the thing im looking for, but from conversation she seemed strongly in the vanilla department. Overall i had a good time with a friendly and pretty lady! 7/10 as an escort, 9/10 for environment and approach! PS! She says she doesn't meet many clients in a day since she physically cannot do it, so can take a little while for her to answer messages. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Horus 156 Skrevet 4. Oktober, 2023 Jeg besøgte hende i Randers. Hun kunne bestemt sit kram. Men det der tog kegler, var hendes personlighed og måden hun var nærværende fra jeg kom ind af døren. Fysisk er hun en smuk pige med de flotteste øjne. Det er selv ikke det der det vigtige for de fleste. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg