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Warning to everyone!

There is a beautiful TS by the name of Dedrako (distintas.net & trans-escorts.com): She is a total fake: Agrees appointment, then says she can't take cash in the hotel, so asks for a "paysafe card" then before you get the room number she must see a pic of the card to prove you have it...

Of course if you send the pic (showing the number) you will never hear from her again.

She is not even in the country I believe.

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Ja der er mange af dem. Jeg forsøgte i dag st mødes med 


så skulle der betales med iTunes kort. Jeg gør mig klar, køber ITunes kort og kører til stedet. Efter lidt ventetid bliver jeg bedt om at sende koden på kortet, hvilket jeg sognekirke gjorde.
Lad være med at bruge tid på disse personer, da de alle er scam. 

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Billy skrev, for 12 timer siden:

Warning to everyone!

There is a beautiful TS by the name of Dedrako (distintas.net & trans-escorts.com): She is a total fake: Agrees appointment, then says she can't take cash in the hotel, so asks for a "paysafe card" then before you get the room number she must see a pic of the card to prove you have it...

Of course if you send the pic (showing the number) you will never hear from her again.

She is not even in the country I believe.

I have looked at the page trans-escorts.com and there Are a lot of sexy Ts girls which I do not see on other Pages. Have you succeeded to meet Any of Them? 
i tried to Call 5 different there but without luck.


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