hojdhopp 1 Skrevet 16. Februar, 2023 Svensk här, vet inte om jag ska skriva på svenska eller engelska... I have been to the place on Spontinisvej before (up the stairs) and it seems that particular girl is not there anymore, but dropin could be exciting too to see who ever is there. Anyone tried dropin there? Do they open the door from upstairs after seeing you from the window perhaps, or how does it work if, you just go there and ring the doorbell? (Is there even a doorbell? I don't remember). If anybody has tried I would appreciate some input. Tack. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Lasselas Skrevet 16. Februar, 2023 hojdhopp skrev, for 13 minutter siden: Svensk här, vet inte om jag ska skriva på svenska eller engelska... I have been to the place on Spontinisvej before (up the stairs) and it seems that particular girl is not there anymore, but dropin could be exciting too to see who ever is there. Anyone tried dropin there? Do they open the door from upstairs after seeing you from the window perhaps, or how does it work if, you just go there and ring the doorbell? (Is there even a doorbell? I don't remember). If anybody has tried I would appreciate some input. Tack. Stay away Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
jensen jr. 664 Skrevet 16. Februar, 2023 Stedet har altid haft et uldent ry. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 16. Februar, 2023 hojdhopp skrev, for 26 minutter siden: Svensk här, vet inte om jag ska skriva på svenska eller engelska... I have been to the place on Spontinisvej before (up the stairs) and it seems that particular girl is not there anymore, but dropin could be exciting too to see who ever is there. Anyone tried dropin there? Do they open the door from upstairs after seeing you from the window perhaps, or how does it work if, you just go there and ring the doorbell? (Is there even a doorbell? I don't remember). If anybody has tried I would appreciate some input. Tack. I don't think you can come there unannounced, and right now I don't see anyone advertizing with the street name. One or two of the girls in the postal code of the area may be working from there. https://escortguide.dk/S/1/0/0/0/sydhavn I have been there once to visit a high-end girl. Very good experience. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4642 Skrevet 16. Februar, 2023 hojdhopp skrev, for 29 minutter siden: dropin could be exciting too to see who ever is there Når der er tale om et sted, som ikke selv reklamerer med sin adresse, så er det dårlig stil at troppe op uden en aftale. Selvom du vidste, at din udvalgte pige var på en privat/diskret adresse, som du på et andet tidspunkt havde fået oplyst efter en henvendelse, så kommer du jo heller ikke brasende hjem til hende i tide og utide, vel? 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
curious deltager 13 Skrevet 17. Februar, 2023 https://www.escort-side.dk/Naomy-Full-Service-Roskilde?ad-id=21544 annoncerer med adresse Spontinisvej Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frddblk 1145 Skrevet 17. Februar, 2023 Lauersen skrev, for 21 timer siden: I have been there once to visit a high-end girl. Very good experience I agree... I have a visit there whit Melissa. It was in the corona period. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
hojdhopp 1 Skrevet 18. Februar, 2023 Mange tak för er hjälp (vissa av er alltså ) Right it doesn't seem that its possible to come to Spontinisvej without an appointment. I do know atleast one place that is possible to dropin without any complaints from either side though (guldborgvej) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg