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Sophie intenst nærvær / intense presence

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Jeg var torsdag 15 Dec på besøg hos Sophie i Sydhavnen https://escortguide.dk/P/dream-girl-sophie--65996.html

I visited Sophie 15 Dec in Sydhavn. Stronly recommend. 

It was exceeding my expectations for an escort appointment. Sophie is bright, good-looking, fluent in english, has a sexy body (if your taste includes A-cup cute breasts). She is present and aware and natural and flexible to an extent not seen often, pulling me entirely into the experience. To the extent this is acting and transactional im not sure if I care or if reality is to prefer. 

The kissing was good, playful, exploratory. The sex was physical, close, intimate. The aftermath was open and curious talk on the bed. 

If you are into mutual play (or the illusion) go to enjoy time with Sophie. She may have left Cophenhagen for now. Treat her well and treasure it if she comes back. 



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Jeg ærgrede mig over, at jeg gik glip af Sophie, da hun var i byen. Hvis nogen kan anbefale samme type som hende, er det højt værdsat. Dvs. naturligt smukke, meget slanke og petit. 

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