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i need condoms

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Lucysu skrev, for 19 minutter siden:

hhello, does anyone know of a person who brings condoms home 

depend on where yau are stying I can bring them to you.

Tell mee where yoou live and how many you need

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22 cm and thick skrev, for 10 minutter siden:

Hvorfor ikke bare købe dem online og få dem bragt med post/pakkebud?

Hun skal måske bruge dem her og nu ?

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Guest Anders-and
Lucysu skrev, for 3 timer siden:

hhello, does anyone know of a person who brings condoms home 

Any gas station Will sell Them

and almost all super markeds 

perhaps even wolt ? 

or ask the a custemer to bring then and flip him 10’minutter extrA or some extrA service :) 

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hehehe thank you all for participating, I'm new to Copenhagen and I don't know how it works, now I have the name of the street where I can find them, crisis resolved 

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