HerrVonKnoblauch 154 Skrevet 3. April, 2022 Hi all! I'm writing in English to make this accessible to as many as possible, since I really want to make a good case for Carolina whom I had the pleasure of seeing just before she left. Let me first say I'm really picky and rarely make return calls (one notable exception being Angelica due to her excellent rimming services) - but I can't wait for Carolina to come back to Copenhagen again, so let's make sure she understands there is a fan base waiting for her here and we'll make it worth her while! It seems quite a few people have already realized it as it was hard finding a time which worked for us both but in the end I managed to squeeze in a 45 minute slot on Saturday (my personal sweet spot with regards to cost vs time). Like many others in the forum, I'm sure you have admired the photos on her profile and deemed them to be too good to be true, but she really is quite stunning in person as well! Of course without the heavy makeup she's more of a girl-next-door-type but still a fucking hot girl-next-door! A wonderfully sweet face, really smooth skin with cute freckles down on the shoulders, a large but tasteful tattoo on her right side, a most glorious ass and pussy and two perfectly fashioned tits (albeit with some silicone help), she comes pretty close to my picture of the ideal woman - well, to fit my narrow definition she would ideally be about 10 cm taller, but I won't complain. Her demeanor is very friendly and just enough talkative, her English is quite good which makes it so much easier to communicate in contrast to some other recent experiences. Also, she is from Ukraine, which means there is finally a way even for lazy whoremongers like us to support them, after a fashion! Anyway, after a quick shower (as some others have said, clock starts ticking once you're in the door, so make it quick) we started out with some light kissing which quickly escalated to full-tongue-on-tongue action - a good start, as almost everyone writes out "kissing with tongue" in their descriptions, but once there you're more often than not lucky to cram even a few smooches in... Well, that was not the case here. These kisses were really passionate and intimate. She eventually dropped to her knees and gave me a good, very serviceable blowjob (not quite DT but pretty close) with lots of focus on the balls, much appreciated and also sadly not always a part of the standard treatment these days. After a while I slid her up on the bed and dove right into her pussy with my tongue. What a thing of beauty it was! (the pussy, not my tongue.) Her labia/skamlæber have the perfect size, just large enough to fill your mouth so you can really suck on them, which she moaningly approved of. We slid over into a 69; I sucked and gently fingered her clit which also elicited some fierce sucking of my cock, she was really getting into it now and it was getting hard (pun intended) to hold back, so I stayed on my back, we got the rubber on and she slid on top of me and started going at it; we took turns of pumping and effortlessly slid over into various positions in a beautiful ballet of fucking! A personal highlight was when I fucked her from behind and she was busy fingering herself; I stretched my head forward and we had one of those porno-style slobby tongue kisses from behind that seemed to go on forever. She soon came in a very convincing spasm, after which we turned back to some oral action where I could relax and eventually let go of all I had inside that sweet, sweet mouth (I had ordered CIM from the start). I really liked that she continued sucking a good while after I came, getting the last drop out there! My only disappointment was that she (which is the norm) simply spit it out into a napkin; only once have I had a girl drool it out of her mouth afterwards, down onto the tits where she rubbed it in - very silly of course but nevertheless so fucking hot (that image have stayed with me over the years) - I wish more girls would do something like that when they anyway went through the trouble of taking the load in the mouth. Next time I'll be happy to just cum on those amazing tits instead! A few seconds later, the alarm rang (so be advised that she sticks to the schedule, which well she should of course), I put on my clothes while we had a nice chat about Ukraine and what an utter ass-dick that fucking clown Putin is. We had to wait a few minutes more together (which I didn't mind) because her roommate Mila (profile page gone now unfortunately) was just getting a client of hers in the door! Seems these two girls have gotten quite a good operation running here; apparently Mila is also from Ukraine and they have become quite good friends. Considering they offer threesomes and Mila has also gotten really good reviews (including her GFE offerings) this is something to look forward to when they come back again later this year! So there we are, this was a long read but hopefully it got the message across! 5 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Benjamin 2638 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 HerrVonKnoblauch skrev, for 8 timer siden: Hi all! I'm writing in English to make this accessible to as many as possible, since I really want to make a good case for Carolina whom I had the pleasure of seeing just before she left. Tak for en fin lang anmeldelse, som er en romanforfatter værdig. Men din begrundelse for at skrive anmeldelsen på engelsk, er helt ved siden af, Det er ikke sådan man opnår det største publikum, når måske 95% af læserne er danskere. Det er også unormalt, at skrive anmeldelser på engelsk for pigens skyld. Anmeldelser er for læsere af Eroguide. 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4588 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Benjamin skrev, for 2 timer siden: Men din begrundelse for at skrive anmeldelsen på engelsk, er helt ved siden af, Benjamin skrev, for 2 timer siden: Anmeldelser er for læsere af Eroguide. Enig i det sidste, men alternativet havde været på svensk, ville du have foretrukket det? Det er ikke kun danske mænd, som benytter dette forum, så det er ikke alt, som kommer på dansk. Men det ved du jo egentlig også godt som rutineret bruger, og de færreste af os ser Google-translate til dansk som er godt alternativ. Tak til @HerrVonKnoblauch for anmeldelsen. Hun har godt nok fået nogle fine ord med på vejen efterhånden, hende Carolina. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Benjamin 2638 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 43 minutter siden: Enig i det sidste, men alternativet havde været på svensk, ville du have foretrukket det? Det er ikke kun danske mænd, som benytter dette forum, så det er ikke alt, som kommer på dansk. Men det ved du jo egentlig også godt som rutineret bruger, og de færreste af os ser Google-translate til dansk som er godt alternativ. Jeg har tidligere givet udtryk for, at vore svenske og norske læsere var velkommen til, at skrive på deres eget sprog. Skulle der være nogen, som har svært ved at forstå det, så findes google translate. Der findes også danskere, som har det svært med engelsk, og som må bruge google translate. Og netop grundet svenske og norske læsere skrev jeg 95% er danskere. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
HerrVonKnoblauch 154 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 Absolut, jeg var bare lidt doven, fordi jeg skriver hurtigst på engelsk... men point taken! 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
pacer 2571 Skrevet 4. April, 2022 (edited) Jeg gider faktisk ikke læse den anmeldelse. 1: Det er på engelsk 2: Der mangler afsnit. 3: Jeg er træt og doven. Beklager. Redigeret 4. April, 2022 af pacer Slå fejl 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
pussyguy 87 Skrevet 5. Juni, 2022 Hej alle jer heldige væsener der har mødt hende. Må jeg spørge om hun er en deraf selfier banden? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gæst Skrevet 6. Juni, 2022 og er hun her stadig ? Forfatter skriver "just before she left" Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
HerrVonKnoblauch 154 Skrevet 6. Juni, 2022 Hun er tilbage nu, på Amager igjen! Har bestilt en time i morgen, efterfølgende besked kommer Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
ButterflyMan 850 Skrevet 8. Juni, 2022 pussyguy skrev, den 5.6.2022 at 23:28: Hej alle jer heldige væsener der har mødt hende. Må jeg spørge om hun er en deraf selfier banden? Jeg besøgte hende sidste gang uden at sende selfie. Hun er virkelig sexet og lækker men jeg synes det er mega synd at hendes silikone bryster ikke er særlig vellykkede. /B Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg