Tantra 1627 Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 Are the men less horny on Wednesdays/Thursdays (?).... I looked through my appointment calendar from 2021 today and found that Wednesday/Thursday is significantly less booked than other days. When I think about it... for example: if the next appointment request comes for Friday, but the day is already fully booked, an alternative suggestion for Wednesday/Thursday is usually rejected with thanks (often experienced) and people are asked about alternatives on Saturday or Monday. .. Everyone likes to have fun on weekends because a lot of people go out(?).... Monday and Tuesday are popular because "dads spend the weekend at home and then leashless"(?)... .... or do the men simply go into "work mode" (?) on Wednesdays/Thursdays - It's not that nobody books on these days, but the days are less crowded and sometimes the other days are actually fully booked and there are still more requests for the already fully booked days, but Wednesday/Thursday seems to be less interesting as an alternative. The most logical explanation for me would actually be that the gentlemen are "engrossed" in their work in the middle of the week... but I like to "hear" what the gentlemen have to say about it. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Den_glade_amatør 4610 Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 18 minutter siden: Wednesday/Thursday seems to be less interesting as an alternative. Interessant tråd. Og tak for at dele din observation. Vi har nok alle nogle dage, som vi foretrækker frem for andre. For mig personligt er dagene midt i ugen nok der, hvor jeg laver de fleste besøg. Derimod er det meget sjældent, at jeg laver aftaler i weekenden, men det er der jo så mange andre, som foretrækker. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mr. Sensual Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 36 minutter siden: Are the men less horny on Wednesdays/Thursdays (?).... I looked through my appointment calendar from 2021 today and found that Wednesday/Thursday is significantly less booked than other days. When I think about it... for example: if the next appointment request comes for Friday, but the day is already fully booked, an alternative suggestion for Wednesday/Thursday is usually rejected with thanks (often experienced) and people are asked about alternatives on Saturday or Monday. .. Everyone likes to have fun on weekends because a lot of people go out(?).... Monday and Tuesday are popular because "dads spend the weekend at home and then leashless"(?)... .... or do the men simply go into "work mode" (?) on Wednesdays/Thursdays - It's not that nobody books on these days, but the days are less crowded and sometimes the other days are actually fully booked and there are still more requests for the already fully booked days, but Wednesday/Thursday seems to be less interesting as an alternative. The most logical explanation for me would actually be that the gentlemen are "engrossed" in their work in the middle of the week... but I like to "hear" what the gentlemen have to say about it. Too much to do midweek. Too many problems to solve. Too much digital trouble, at least for me. Too many car-park attendants counting minutes. It all kills my horniness and desire for soft erotic pleasures. See you, but Never on Sunday....sorry Wednesdays/Thursdays. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AB455 3114 Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 I usually prefer mid-week, within working hours. It's so much easier to get through all the obstacles (family/friends/work) 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Desire 71 Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 Tantra skrev, for 3 timer siden: Are the men less horny on Wednesdays/Thursdays (?) Never in life... don't know about the other gentleman. But I always have the DESIRE! Especially when I see your nice, delicious and exciting ad Would so much like to experience a hot time with you, but unfortunately it has never fit with our calenders yet! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Keaper 513 Skrevet 28. Marts, 2022 Not so sure about less horny. I'm not sure such a thing is possible for me. But, I'd say: Work. Most work the usual week, and are free in the weekends. Since I don't, I instead prefer the week. I always imagined there's less to do on a random weekday, so less stress for the girl. I feel like it's less stress for me as well, and there's something about having a look around you and going: Oh, so you are on your way home from work, well, guess where I just was. ( in my thought's, of course, hehe ) And travel for me is easier midweek as well. So at least for me. Midweek is entirely preferable. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest N10Ah Skrevet 29. Marts, 2022 (edited) Dear @Tantra I have to admit that i’m horny all the time I’m horny monday,tuesday wednesday, thursday, friday saturday and sunday i’m horny all days of the week. I’m horny all the time, if i earned as much as Ellon musk, Bill Gates or Anders Holch, i would visit girls all the time, you would also get my visit. But unfortunately i don’t i just spent 2000 dkk on a Girl i visit regularly so at the moment i’m not horny because the sex was great and my Wallet and my testicles are empty but otherwise i’m always horny and i Will be horny tomorrow again at 9 AM. Or else i get horny When i go to the gym and lifting heavy weights. I’m litteraly horny all the time, it doesn’t really matter what time of the day. Wednesday or thursday is also a my horny day. maybe it’s because i’m Young and my body is filled with hormones. By the Way i truly meant that if i earned as much as the guys i mentioned up above i would visit you wednesday thursday, on Christmas eve or New years eve, Easter, and halloween but the thing is i don’t so in the meantime i’ll just look at your lovely advertisment and imagine that one day i’ll finaly get to meet you one day Redigeret 29. Marts, 2022 af N10Ah Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tantra 1627 Skrevet 29. Marts, 2022 N10Ah skrev, for 3 timer siden: Dear @Tantra maybe it’s because i’m Young and my body is filled with hormones. By the Way i truly meant that if i earned as much as the guys i mentioned up above i would visit you wednesday thursday, on Christmas eve or New years eve, Easter, and halloween but the thing is i don’t so in the meantime i’ll just look at your lovely advertisment and imagine that one day i’ll finaly get to meet you one day I understand that you are young and your hormones are "boiling" and I also understand that you have little money at your disposal - but that has absolutely nothing to do with this topic. Whether you or someone else, you have the same money available on Thursday and Friday, but that doesn't explain why there are far too many bookings on Friday and only a few on Thursday - that's actually the topic 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9674 Skrevet 29. Marts, 2022 It is not a question of when I feel like a good time, because I can always set myself up to that, but more about when I can get an alibi for not being somewhere. This actually works best for me tuesday to thursday mornings, so I might be an exception to that rule. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Sweex2 984 Skrevet 1. April, 2022 @Tantra jeg tror svaret er meget simpelt. Mange af dine kunder er sikkert gifte mænd og de kan ikke komme ud og lege i weekenden. Derfor tænker de at de lige skal nå et besøg inden weekenden, for at få taget trykket. Og så er der dem der har været liderlige hele weekenden, som skal have taget trykket om mandagen. Det er ihvertfald sådan jeg har det 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Amanduh 164 Skrevet 2. April, 2022 I find it's the hardest to fill up my calendar on the weekends. So now I just do work days for incall. Outcalls are distributed equally through the week. When I was working in a clinic I had some good times in the weekends, but now in a private apartment everybody wants to come on work days. Especially mornings are crowded. So, at least men who are attracted to my services are horny in the middle of the week - or perhaps it's just "logistics" 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg