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ken@ken skrev, den 28.1.2022 at 16:23:

Huset er rigtig gammelt og snusket,beskidt overaldt. 8 til 10 kvinder. billederne af disse lader en del til overs at ønske/fake.

ikke et sted jeg kommer igen.

https://annoncelight.dk/showad/313889 og andre.



Hi. I’m working there also. There are 4 rooms so are maximum 4 girls (usually 3). True, house is old but is renovating all the time (room after room) so really soon will be in good condition. About girls cannot say nothing because each are independent so I don’t know how they provide their service but girls with which I was there was with really good reviews so not fake. 


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i Can feel your frustration from Miles away the house where I live may be old but clean this did not depend on me I would like you to prove that my pictures are fake I can prove that they are real.. youre just a hater. You’re one of those guys who cant get their dick hard and ask for their money back. 

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