Bambucea12 5 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2022 Hey guys. I visit Anisa the other days and what i can say is that she is the perfection. She open the door with a big smile on her face, always smiling. She is a true GFE girl , with a blowjob that will blow your mind. The way she handle me mainly through body language , kissing , respect , sensual contact, soft touches and holding me in a caring way , made me so happy and satisfied and made me so comfortable around her . So , because of that it made me care about her and open my self to talk to her different things when we were on brake. She is speaking English , not to good but you can have a chat with her. And in brakes she keep me in her arms , spoiling me with touches and nice words and asking me if i want to drink something , if i need to shower , that's more then i could ask from her .We also cuddle a little bit after , and after i was gone we both exchange some texts saying it was a pleasure to spend that time with each other , and that made me feel a little special . Apartment is nice , in a nice aria , you can park around 300-400 meters away from the place to be sure u don't get a ticket , in the main street before u go right to the building. That's what i did. I also made a new thread for somebody else , and people say is fake , nothing is fake , i am a real person , but because of personal reasons i can't answer tot this threads . Barely had time to make this one for her , and i made it only because she really deserve it . Guys please before you write me that is fake , go and see it and live the moments i just shared with you. PS: I also visited Sophie , is her apartment rommie , she is the most cute little girl i seen around , really nice services , only what thing was bad , she does not speak English at all , so if you want to talk to her in english or danish , u can't , only with google translate. But if you speak her language , both of them are from Latvia, you will get same nice GFE experience. If you don't want to talk and have only action , is really nice girl and committed to satisfy your desires and she is really good at it. This is her link : I hope this helps you guys 4 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Pinkman 1107 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2022 (edited) Tak til Hr. Åberg for endnu 2 fantastiske oplevelser. Du er da vist en værre fissekarl ...og pigerne må også være glade. Man kan jo nærmest ikke købe den slags omtale for penge... Redigeret 27. Januar, 2022 af Pinkman 3 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
NoobGPexplorer 1102 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2022 Hr. Åberg. Eller er det Peter Pimpovitch? 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
skunken 551 Skrevet 27. Januar, 2022 (edited) Haha , noget siger mig at de ikke har kunder nok, god info hvis nogen syntes de vil forhandle pris... ikke at jeg gør mig i den slags. Men det er sq lidt selvmål det der. Redigeret 27. Januar, 2022 af skunken 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mery 3 Skrevet 3. Februar, 2022 I had Best one hour with her, i will never forget you... 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Joan 124 Skrevet 3. Februar, 2022 Hun vil have selfie inden besøge Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mery 3 Skrevet 22. Marts, 2022 Any1 knows where is she now? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
messi61 183 Skrevet 28. April, 2022 Så er Anisa i byen igen. Efter en periode nu, hvor udbuddet har været tyndt, lysnede det op i dag. Besøgte Anisa her til aften for Gud ved hvilken gang. Hun er bare fantastisk at være sammen med. Masser af tungekys, kram og berøringer. Rigtig lækker krop, og store bryster, som er hjulpet lidt, men dejlige at lege med. Virkelig gfe for alle pengene. Hun fortjener virkelig positiv omtale, og er nok min nr. et pige. Hun er tæt på TV2 og bliver 10 dage. Så det er bare afsted folkens. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg