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Atmos Hamburg

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Der åbnes op for prostitution i Schleswig Holsten mandag. Da smittetallene i Hamburg  også er stærkt nedadgående kan vi håbe på Atmos ( og Harmony)  åbner inden 1.7.

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Mads91 skrev, for 8 timer siden:

What about the quick test? Or it is only pct test they accept?

I think it should be possible. They just say test. We can get the quick test and drive...

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Atmos åbner i dag. Harmony åbner tirsdag 15. juni.

Jeg undres om danske vaccinationsbevis holder for at slippe indenfor dørene der nede? De stiller jo krav til at man må være vaccineret for at slippe test osv.

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BigDaddiz skrev, den 6/11/2021 at 10:15 AM:

Atmos opens today. Harmony opens Tuesday, June 15th.

I wonder if Danish vaccination certificates hold to get inside the doors down there? They demand that you must be vaccinated to avoid tests, etc.

I was at  harmony today. You can easily enter with corona pass. Either test or vaccine.


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Jok7r skrev, for 11 timer siden:

I was at  harmony today. You can easily enter with corona pass. Either test or vaccine.


How was it? Many girls?

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BigDaddiz wrote, 1 hour ago:

How was it? Many girls?

Unfortunately I was very disappointed. There were 40-45 males. And only 10-12 females. I only had a 1 tour with a Moldovan beauty and left the place after I watched the Euro 2020 match. The place is fresh and clean. But. I decided that Friday and Saturday evening is not good time to visit a FKK. Now I am on my way to Atmos. Hope it will be better in an earlier time. 

Redigeret af Jok7r

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Jok7r skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Unfortunately I was very disappointed. There were 40-45 males. And only 10-12 females. I only had a 1 tour with a Moldovan beauty and left the place after I watched the Euro 2020 match. The place is fresh and clean. But. I decided that Friday and Saturday evening is not good time to visit a FKK. Now I am on my way to Atmos. Hope it will be better in an earlier time. 

Let us know how it was at Atmos then! ;-)

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Jok7r skrev, for 6 timer siden:

Unfortunately I was very disappointed. There were 40-45 males. And only 10-12 females. I only had a 1 tour with a Moldovan beauty and left the place after I watched the Euro 2020 match. The place is fresh and clean. But. I decided that Friday and Saturday evening is not good time to visit a FKK. Now I am on my way to Atmos. Hope it will be better in an earlier time. 

Det er ikke sandt jeg var der i går (fredag) fra kl 11.30 til kl 21.00. Der var mere end 20 piger, nok også 25 stk. Ja der var mange mænd, men langt de fleste så fodbold. Jeg havde ikke problemer med at finde en pige at gå med. Og heller ikke problemer med at få et rum. Og frem til kl 17 var der flere piger end mænd. 

Da jeg kørte var p pladsen fyldt af biler og kunne se at der kom flere gæster. Så ved ikke hvordan mand /pige fordelingen var efter kl. 21.00. 
Husk at de piger der møder ind tidligt stopper med at gå på rum kl 21.00 ca.


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Kwassi2 wrote, 22 hours ago:

It's not true I was there yesterday (Friday) from 11.30am to 9pm.


This was my biggest mistake. Since I drove from DK afternoon, I made it to Harmony around 21.00. It was too late. So looks like you left while I arrived. As soon as I saw the parking lot, I was upset. Since it was almost full. And just like you said, the girls who were there most of the day probably became less aggressive to go to the rooms. 

Since this is Atmos topic, let me share my experience about it. Since my first day at FKK was not very satisfying with the sex part, I decided to go earlier in the second day. This time, I wanted to try Atmos to see the differences. I arrived there around 16.30. I stayed in Hamburg center so both places took 20-25 minutes to reach.


Facility:  I paid 75 Euro and entered the place. To be honest, I really did not like the facilities of Atmos. The place is very small, complicated and a bit boring. Harmony has much more cozy, professional and relaxing facilities. Even though I had only had 1 round of sex in Harmony, I was able to spend hours with nice facility and foods. But with Atmos, If I did not meet with those 2 guys and become friends, I would probably leave the place much earlier. 

Good thing was that since I went early this time, male population was not high. At the beginning we were 10-15 men. Than I think it became maximum 20 men until I left at 21.00. 

Girls: When I first arrived, there were around 5 girls. But every hour 1-2 came and around 20.00 there were I guess 15 ladies. There were 4-5 ladies which were worth fucking. 

I had 2 shots. 

Catalina: An Italian brunette with some tattoos in her body and piercing on one of her tits. I asked the price. She said 70 Euro for normal sex and blowjob. If I want without, it is 100 Euro. I always prefer without condom. So I said of course without. We went upstairs. Nice and clean room. She started to give some blowjob. Not so bad but not the best either. After a while, I wanted to switch to 69. She said 30 Euro extra. Wtf? That moment was a lessons learned. Before entering the room, you should agree on everything. I said ok forget the 69. I complained a bit and the mood was destroyed. But afterwards, we managed to get back to the mood. I came with a handjob. I sometimes enjoy that more. So overall, it was a mistake not to agree on all the details before entering the room. But it finished well. 

Lavine: She is originally from Turkey but born in Germany. She said she works in Berlin and comes to Atmos to earn extra money. But you should see her ass ... Damn ... She looks like Kim Kardashian. Brunette. Silicone but very realistic tits. Original big ass. She is kind of slim with a big ass. Once I saw the ass, I decided to take her to the room. I asked the price. She said 100 Euro for the standard. Without, it is 140 Euro. I said no way. After few minutes she said it is ok for 100 Euro. Then we went up. While we climbed the stairs, her ass was front of my eyes. What an ass ... We got naked and had some chat. I liked her tits and she started to give a blowjob. Her blowjob was better. And she was more touch friendly. I asked for 69 and it was not a problem. She has nice a pussy. I needed to bang that pussy. So we went to doggystyle and again I finished with a handjob while licking her feet. (I have a special interest in feet:) )  She said she has been doing this extra job for 2 years. It feels like she is semi-professional. One minus was that she did a lot of fake moans. I hate that. But overall, that is worth every penny.  

Overall, I am glad to see both places. But my choice will be Harmony next time. But definitely I will go earlier like  Kwassi2 .

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Jok7r skrev, for 3 timer siden:

This was my biggest mistake. Since I drove from DK afternoon, I made it to Harmony around 21.00. It was too late. So looks like you left while I arrived. As soon as I saw the parking lot, I was upset. Since it was almost full. And just like you said, the girls who were there most of the day probably became less aggressive to go to the rooms. 

Since this is Atmos topic, let me share my experience about it. Since my first day at FKK was not very satisfying with the sex part, I decided to go earlier in the second day. This time, I wanted to try Atmos to see the differences. I arrived there around 16.30. I stayed in Hamburg center so both places took 20-25 minutes to reach.


Facility:  I paid 75 Euro and entered the place. To be honest, I really did not like the facilities of Atmos. The place is very small, complicated and a bit boring. Harmony has much more cozy, professional and relaxing facilities. Even though I had only had 1 round of sex in Harmony, I was able to spend hours with nice facility and foods. But with Atmos, If I did not meet with those 2 guys and become friends, I would probably leave the place much earlier. 

Good thing was that since I went early this time, male population was not high. At the beginning we were 10-15 men. Than I think it became maximum 20 men until I left at 21.00. 

Girls: When I first arrived, there were around 5 girls. But every hour 1-2 came and around 20.00 there were I guess 15 ladies. There were 4-5 ladies which were worth fucking. 

I had 2 shots. 

Catalina: An Italian brunette with some tattoos in her body and piercing on one of her tits. I asked the price. She said 70 Euro for normal sex and blowjob. If I want without, it is 100 Euro. I always prefer without condom. So I said of course without. We went upstairs. Nice and clean room. She started to give some blowjob. Not so bad but not the best either. After a while, I wanted to switch to 69. She said 30 Euro extra. Wtf? That moment was a lessons learned. Before entering the room, you should agree on everything. I said ok forget the 69. I complained a bit and the mood was destroyed. But afterwards, we managed to get back to the mood. I came with a handjob. I sometimes enjoy that more. So overall, it was a mistake not to agree on all the details before entering the room. But it finished well. 

Lavine: She is originally from Turkey but born in Germany. She said she works in Berlin and comes to Atmos to earn extra money. But you should see her ass ... Damn ... She looks like Kim Kardashian. Brunette. Silicone but very realistic tits. Original big ass. She is kind of slim with a big ass. Once I saw the ass, I decided to take her to the room. I asked the price. She said 100 Euro for the standard. Without, it is 140 Euro. I said no way. After few minutes she said it is ok for 100 Euro. Then we went up. While we climbed the stairs, her ass was front of my eyes. What an ass ... We got naked and had some chat. I liked her tits and she started to give a blowjob. Her blowjob was better. And she was more touch friendly. I asked for 69 and it was not a problem. She has nice a pussy. I needed to bang that pussy. So we went to doggystyle and again I finished with a handjob while licking her feet. (I have a special interest in feet:) )  She said she has been doing this extra job for 2 years. It feels like she is semi-professional. One minus was that she did a lot of fake moans. I hate that. But overall, that is worth every penny.  

Overall, I am glad to see both places. But my choice will be Harmony next time. But definitely I will go earlier like  Kwassi2 .

Great report!

What club are your going to tomorrow? :-)

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BigDaddiz skrev, for 1 minut siden:

Great report!

What club are your going to tomorrow? :-)

I  need to go work tomorrow in Denmark to earn some money for my next trip to clubs.:mrgreen:

But I really want to see Berlin Artemis. 

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Jok7r skrev, for 28 minutter siden:

I  need to go work tomorrow in Denmark to earn some money for my next trip to clubs.:mrgreen:

But I really want to see Berlin Artemis. 

You should concider Sharks and Oase in Frankfurt area! Mutch fun there. Or Dusseldorf area with Golden Time, Living Room, Acapulco Gold.

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BigDaddiz skrev, for 19 timer siden:

You should concider Sharks and Oase in Frankfurt area! Mutch fun there. Or Dusseldorf area with Golden Time, Living Room, Acapulco Gold.

Yes. I heard very good things about Frankfurt. But man, it is very far from Jutland :(

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Jok7r skrev, den 4.7.2021 at 20:16:

But definitely I will go earlier like  Kwassi2 .

Det er bedst at komme lige når de åbner og så have god til til flere rooms i løbet af eftermiddagen. Ud på aftenen kan klubberne godt ligesom være støvsuget for piger - men da har jeg som regel nået det jeg ville og har tid til at køre ind til et hotel i Centrum af Hamburg - gerne AO på Reeperbahn (husk at tilkøbe P-plads, da det ellers ofte er næsten umuligt eller langt væk) og gå en tur rundt og se på piger (det er lidt nemmere at afvise og undgå deres triks, når man har været på FKK) og folkelivet, få en øl og høre lidt music, hvis man kan finde et sted, hvor de ikke har skruet så højt op, at man er nødt til at sidde udenfor for at kunne nyde det.

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Jernsvinet skrev, for 13 timer siden:

Det er bedst at komme lige når de åbner og så have god til til flere rooms i løbet af eftermiddagen. Ud på aftenen kan klubberne godt ligesom være støvsuget for piger - men da har jeg som regel nået det jeg ville og har tid til at køre ind til et hotel i Centrum af Hamburg - gerne AO på Reeperbahn (husk at tilkøbe P-plads, da det ellers ofte er næsten umuligt eller langt væk) og gå en tur rundt og se på piger (det er lidt nemmere at afvise og undgå deres triks, når man har været på FKK) og folkelivet, få en øl og høre lidt music, hvis man kan finde et sted, hvor de ikke har skruet så højt op, at man er nødt til at sidde udenfor for at kunne nyde det.

Taler vi Atmos og Harmony specielt eller generelt for FKK?

I såfald er jeg uenig. På Artemis og Sharks og de fleste steder i Dusseldorf området er der stille som graven fra åbningstid til i 19-21 tiden hvor der starter med at komme flere piger på arbejde.

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BigDaddiz skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Taler vi Atmos og Harmony specielt eller generelt for FKK?

I såfald er jeg uenig. På Artemis og Sharks og de fleste steder i Dusseldorf området er der stille som graven fra åbningstid til i 19-21 tiden hvor der starter med at komme flere piger på arbejde.

Ja, nok sker der mere - men der kommer altså også flere kunder og der kan være trængsel overalt, man må stå i kø ved baren, der er mangel på badehåndklæder, omklædingsrummene er ulækre, maden er delvis udsolgt - og pigerne har mere travlt med at komme tilbage til kontaktrummene og stille sig an.

Nej, kom tidligt - så kan man vælge og vrage og få tid til at forestille sig hvordan det vil være at være sammen med dem - og man kan snakke og flirte lidt med dem - så de selv kommer hen og hvisker frække ord i ens øre: "Ich will deinen grossen Schwanz in meinen Mund spüren", el. lign.

Længere ud på aftenen kommer der også en hel del af de kundetyper, der gerne vil føre sig frem, men som ikke har pli - og som jeg ikke gider se på.

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