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Guest Barbarasmile1

Fake !

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Guest Barbarasmile1



This is a fake advertisement with my pictures and number ,they  created without my permission 

I  advertise myself here on EG, escort guide and nympho.dk .

 I just let you know guys if any of you seen this , it’s fake !!! Not created by me.


Barb :)

Redigeret af Barbarasmile1

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Maybe the Tryst.dk page have stolen the contents of your ad to gain volume while it is starting up. This has happened before with other new ad sites, and is not cool of course as this means you might get calls when you are not working, and in general are getting your personal content stolen.

Redigeret af Lauersen

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Guest Barbarasmile1
Lauersen skrev, for 1 minut siden:

Maybe the Tryst.dk page have stolen the contents of your ad to gain volume while it is starting up. This has happened before with other new ad sites, and is not cool of course as this means you might get calls when you are not working, and in general are getting your personal content stolen.

Yes I think exactly this happened ,which is not nice because they stole it without my permission...

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Guest Aarhuselsker
OldGentlemann skrev, for 8 minutter siden:

Hvorfor virker link funktionen ikke her?

Jeg opgav også :shock::biggrin:

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