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Guest covfefe
GamleGris skrev, for 18 timer siden:

If you mean the ladies on the two sets of photos, then they are NOT the same.

I see that I should have expressed myself more clearly. The ladies are not the same, but their work place is: Kornvænget 16 in Græsted, as mentioned in both ads. There is actually only one massage room (a small out house) where either Noi or Nanni take care of the customers.

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Guest covfefe
allkaa skrev, for 8 timer siden:

How much for FP with Nanni and would you recommend her?

I paid what is often called "standard" price for FP: 1500 kr. I'd say that it is worth a try if you happen to be around, at Sjællands Nordkyst. What I see as suboptimal is the remote location from CPH and the fact that the out house has neither a shower nor a toilet. There is a bathroom in the main house, though.

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