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Uhaa begge 2 ser dejlige ud, men rødovre er nu om dage kendt for falske pics, især hvis det er ude der ved værkstederne. Men ja man ved aldrig vente spændt på og der noget hold i disse 2 ? :)  

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They do look nice, yes, and not too much like the pictures were taken straight from some porn shoot either. I think I prefer Nory somewhat, maybe it's the dark hair in combination with the red/black clothes and red lipstick, got a soft spot for dark haired girls :) I will ask her if she can wear something like that if I decide to meet her. Been to that part of town a few times to meet women and, well, one time wasn't that great (not because of the girl, though the question about cocaine did throw me off) , the rest were good. Maybe I'm just lucky? :D

As for Orsy, she's very pretty, and she looks like she has a littlebit of  ass on her too, and since I LOVE doggy, well, do the math, would love to meet her.


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