Guest Exchange-Student Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 I was wondering if anyone get turned on by this idea : )? I have fantasized about laying pretending I sleep, and then a man comes in and enjoy me while I keep sleeping.. I guess what is hot about it, is the fact that I submit and let the man control me, but still with the fact that he needs to be gentle. And this doesnt mean that I find it hot when men are having sex with a girl who is actually sleeping in reality after a night out or something like that, cuz that is pretty much just rape. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Styrvolt 641 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Interesting koncept. I'm sure you can find a few men attracted to your idea. Do you "wake up" during the game? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Exchange-Student Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Thanks for your feedback : ) I know :)! I never heard of people who are into this, but it does excite me somehow :D! I´d like the idea of staying "sleep" Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
maximus 267 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 My ex-wife loved when i did this , most of the times , she didnt wake up before i was inside her and had started . She had a really good sleeping-heart So yes , it happens in real life 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Styrvolt 641 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Exchange-Student skrev, for 1 minut siden: Thanks for your feedback : ) I know :)! I never heard of people who are into this, but it does excite me somehow :D! I´d like the idea of staying "sleep" I can only speak for my self. Sometimes I watch porn with this theme. But in real life I often need some help from the lady to get a hardon. I suppose, I could rub my penis between your buttocks or breasts to get erection. But don't count on me for the next couples of months. When I have improved my finansial situation, I would be quite tempted though. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Frække Tanja 3633 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 (edited) It turns me on ALOT this concept. I watch porn with this too. I think its hot. And would be happy if it was posible durring work Redigeret 18. Januar, 2020 af Frække Tanja 2 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Butch 5198 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Potato, Potato........awake or not, I couldn’t tell the difference with my ex-wife 10 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
autobahn 1435 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 @Exchange-Student, the sleeping scenario has been one of my role play fantasies for a long time but a delicate one. In a way, it's the ultimate domination. Similarly to e.g. restrained sex the dominating part is free to explore and use every part of the submissive's body. But the difference is that the submissive part may never even know - not during neither after the act. This is the ultimate sense of power! In my "script" you would wake up, close to or during ejaculation, and immediately abiding to my needs. Again, an ultimate dream of the "well-trained woman". I'm not sure how this would work in an actual role play though. So, not waking up at all might be the perfect script. Of course, I have never done anything like this in real life, for the obvious reasons you also mention. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Emmalie Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Exchange-Student skrev, for 1 time siden: I was wondering if anyone get turned on by this idea : )? I have fantasized about laying pretending I sleep, and then a man comes in and enjoy me while I keep sleeping.. I guess what is hot about it, is the fact that I submit and let the man control me, but still with the fact that he needs to be gentle. And this doesnt mean that I find it hot when men are having sex with a girl who is actually sleeping in reality after a night out or something like that, cuz that is pretty much just rape. You should try that, for sure. As you mention, done without arrangement it’s basically rape, and exactly that fact will make an arranged set-up attractive - since we often are attracted to things that normally is wrong and forbidden. :) Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Exchange-Student Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Emmalie skrev, for 1 minut siden: You should try that, for sure. As you mention, done without arrangement it’s basically rape, and exactly that fact will make an arranged set-up attractive - since we often are attracted to things that normally is wrong and forbidden. Yes you are right : )! have you tried it yet? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
AalborgLook 5177 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 maximus skrev, for 2 timer siden: My ex-wife loved when i did this , most of the times , she didnt wake up before i was inside her and had started . She had a really good sleeping-heart So yes , it happens in real life Or you have a small dick 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
LongJohn 209 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Woodman has an entire brand dedicated to Wake up and fuck (type WUNF in google..) Not exactly the "sleeping beauty with a cock inside" but an indicator that the theme is found interesting by a wide audience. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Argent 1279 Skrevet 18. Januar, 2020 Huge turn-on! Was the lucky recipient of such an awakening with an ex-girlfriend infact. I'm a heavy sleeper, and during the early morning my significant other had awoken to my night-stick digging into her stomach - before long she was mounted and getting into the rhythm of her own pleasure. I finally woke up too, and joined in the fun - but the thought always lay at the back of my mind - what if I'd just kept pretending to be asleep!? Such a dirty thought, being ridden to finish and just have her slide off of me and go back to sleep... Sexy sexy.. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest fynbomanden Skrevet 19. Januar, 2020 (edited) Argent skrev, for 44 minutter siden: Huge turn-on! Was the lucky recipient of such an awakening with an ex-girlfriend infact. I'm a heavy sleeper, and during the early morning my significant other had awoken to my night-stick digging into her stomach - before long she was mounted and getting into the rhythm of her own pleasure. I finally woke up too, and joined in the fun - but the thought always lay at the back of my mind - what if I'd just kept pretending to be asleep!? Such a dirty thought, being ridden to finish and just have her slide off of me and go back to sleep... Sexy sexy.. #MeToo - I have always tried to have my "overnight-guests" do exactly this to me in the morning. Some of them with success some of them totally without. BUT I LIKE - and at the last overnight in CPH I actually almost tried to "force" an asleep blowjob from my guest -- but felt a little awkward actually - just a little "rape-like", and I really felt ashamed about that - even though it was agreed upon from the beginning. BUT if there are mutual consent, then I would go for the situation described by @Exchange-Student any day of the year Redigeret 19. Januar, 2020 af fynbomanden Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Lauersen 9709 Skrevet 19. Januar, 2020 LongJohn skrev, 1 time siden: Woodman has an entire brand dedicated to Wake up and fuck (type WUNF in google..) Not exactly the "sleeping beauty with a cock inside" but an indicator that the theme is found interesting by a wide audience. I would be more into the wake up and fuck scenario, maybe in a more gentle way than in the WUNF scenes (or as hard, depends on the girl and what she likes). Some months ago, I read a great review from the user @Varmemesterwho had a "wake up and have GFE-sex" with @Anna - fræk og sexet. I can't find the review right now, but I remember it as an experience I would love to have with a girl myself. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Eyes Only 62 Skrevet 19. Januar, 2020 The forum bares evidence that there is plenty of girls who practice this in some form out there. Once the money has changed hands they turn in to a starfish and just lay there. They just need to advertise this as a sleep fantasy/roleplay so we know what to expect and where to go for this fantasy. 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Emmalie Skrevet 19. Januar, 2020 @Exchange-Student no, and I don’t know how it would work on brothel : but as @Lauersen mention Anna who used to work at Cassiopeia made a thing alike with Varmemester the review is here Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 19. Januar, 2020 From a guys point of view, I only see upsides: You are going in stealth-mode, so You dont have to waste a lot of energy. That´s a big plus! She wont be able to tell you what a horrible fuck You are. That´s absolutely plus number two! And there will be no debate on who should lie on the wetspot afterwords. That´s a 3-0 for the hometeam 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Timmer 251 Skrevet 20. Januar, 2020 Exchange-Student skrev, den 19.1.2020 at 01:16: I was wondering if anyone get turned on by this idea : )? I have fantasized about laying pretending I sleep, and then a man comes in and enjoy me while I keep sleeping.. I guess what is hot about it, is the fact that I submit and let the man control me, but still with the fact that he needs to be gentle. And this doesnt mean that I find it hot when men are having sex with a girl who is actually sleeping in reality after a night out or something like that, cuz that is pretty much just rape. I Would love to try that Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Le Queen Skrevet 20. Januar, 2020 Sleeping sex is absolutely wonderful and can be very naughty in the right way, if the man know how to handle your body right. Just lying there, be touched and licked all over your body and finally you you feel his tongue sneaking up between your legs and starts licking your wet pussy. To feel the hard dick slide in and out without having to notice anything except your own orgasm bursting out of you. Mm mm mm. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Exchange-Student Skrevet 21. Januar, 2020 I will give it a try for sure ; )!! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mirella 130 Skrevet 23. Januar, 2020 Le Queen skrev, den 20.1.2020 at 19:55: Sleeping sex is absolutely wonderful and can be very naughty in the right way, if the man know how to handle your body right. Just lying there, be touched and licked all over your body and finally you you feel his tongue sneaking up between your legs and starts licking your wet pussy. To feel the hard dick slide in and out without having to notice anything except your own orgasm bursting out of you. Mm mm mm. Mmmmm It sounds too nice…. Would love to give it a try 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Zaq 769 Skrevet 23. Januar, 2020 Jeg er ikke klar over hvordan det vil virke med en gp'er, men det er da noget jeg gør tit med min gf. Da jeg er morgen menneske og det er hun ikke, så er det dejlige måde at vække fruen, med lidt slik og en liste pik. Men jeg har overvejet at bestille en overnatning hos en gp, også lave den frække, jeg har altid et problem med at sove nye steder, så der burde være grundlag for noget frækt Zaq 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Le Queen Skrevet 23. Januar, 2020 Mirella skrev, for 2 timer siden: Mmmmm It sounds too nice…. Would love to give it a try It is an amazing experience. Of course I also enjoy it when it’s the other way around. If your partner falls asleep after some great sex, I slowly start to make him hard and then ride him good as he wakes up!-) what’s not to like..... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tekla 166 Skrevet 25. Januar, 2020 I've done that too some times and in various degrees of awakeness. Knowing that it has happened/will happen one nigt or another is exciting of course. But if I sleep through it totally, well then i miss the other parts. On the other hand, if I wake up totally there is not so much left of the sex-in-sleep idea but the surprise part is a nice one - and again the awareness of it being done. Thus my favourite version is hardly waking up, just noticing what is going on but still like in a dream or a bit as if paralysed. Which brings us to the "solution" of starting by tying the sleeping person up I haven't had the opportunity to experience the latter one, yet... And just to make it clear, once more: done with consent this is just great and without, it is rape - just like in all other ways of having sex. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg