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Ok, it's finally time for me to make another review!

I didn't have any firm plans when I crossed into Copenhagen last night, I just knew I had to have some sex and tried to make my intentions known before the trip, during the trip and also while in Copenhagen... The problem is that many times I get no answers to texts, and even though I can understand what they say mostly, actually understanding an address is somewhat of a bigger problem, and this was one of those times when I got 0 answers... Walked around town (and yes, Istedgade too but too many aggresive black girls (I don't have a problem with black girls really but they are just too much there) made me walk faster. Since it was kind of late I thought there was no place to get a SIM-card anyway, but I ended up asking at 7/11 and they did have them! Bought one, installed it, topped it up and tried sending two messages to girls thinking it was too late anyway, but one answered and it happened to be Merry. Not planned, just turned out that way but I'm actually glad it did!


I took the bus to Rodovre and was greeted at the door by someone completely different, but she showed me in and there was Merry (and I think 3 other girls too). I can confirm it was her in the pictures, I knew right away it was her (and if someone is not sure, when she is naked you will know. Same tattoos).

I paid what was agreed upon and the other woman asked me if I wanted two girls but not only had just brought as much as I thought I needed for a date but I was getting a bit tired from it being late and a lot of walking so I said no one will do just fine and smiled.

I've read mixed things about Merry, but I didn't get the feeling she disliked me, and though she didn't exactly seem overjoyed either it was like there was a little more than neutrality from her, she never looked away, she met my eyes during the first part of the sex and it wasn't disgust I saw, but a shine I didn't expect (I do like her eyes, lovely) and she did seem a little fascinated by my cock when she sucked it. She was probably also a little tired but there was at least some chemistry I felt.

I took it easy with her at first, eased into her, short slow more pressing than thrusting, slowly until I was all inside her and saw in her eyes when she met my gaze that it wasn't all unpleasant for her, so I got more into it myself, leaned down and kissed her neck and felt her warm body against mine...

I asked if doggy was ok and she said yes and turned over putting her ass in the air (I loved her ass!) and spreading her legs to make it easier for me. I did as before, took it a little easy at first but not as much as she was more ready now and what a feeling... Damn! I will admit, doggy is my favorite and once in that position it doesn't usually take long before it's over unless it's one of the times when I just can't finish (circumcised, less feeling for me and I get distracted easily so if I for example slip out a few times it can be hard to keep hard)... I alternated between slower, deep thrusts and spurts of faster but still deep thrusts and as I got closer the tempo increased. By now she was actually feeling more wet, and not just from the lube I know she used either. No sharp intakes of breath and shying away, actually sounded once again like it was a little pleasant, nice! She drove me over the edge pretty fast and I came hard. She asked if I was good when I was kind of winded, heart racing, from my orgasm and gave me a tissue to clean up, waited patiently for me to get dressed and said good bye with a friendly tone and I wished her a good night.

It was a good experience for me, and I'm usually pretty sensitive to attitude and all that, but unlike when I met Isabel, I got good vibes from Merry. No pouting, no sign of a bad day, nothing like that. With Isabel it was like she didn't even like to get compliments, here I got a thank you and a shy smile which is all the reward I need.

The location was kind of out there somewhere but it wasn't bad on the inside from what I saw, she was as I expected in looks and the service, while it could have been a little more enthusiastic, wasn't bad at all and as I said, I think there was a little chemistry at least.

If I go back I will make sure to try a little extra to make her feel even more comfortable and see if I can't make her cum... I liked her!

Redigeret af horndog74

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Guest Thai-fan72

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