from_malmo 31 Skrevet 21. Maj, 2019 Yesterday I had the big pleasure to meet Megan And wow, this girl is my favorite now! Definitely one of the best among all girls I’ve been with in Cph so far, and so sweet and pretty! I think I’m in love She has some good reviews since before, but I really felt I wanted to add my experience. Here is one (and I can totally agree with the reviewer): Her pictures are real and she really looks like that. Very pretty in my eyes. (I told her she looks like 22 and I meant it). And her body is perfect: young and really wonderful with perfect shapes. During the entire hour she was so cute and girlfriend-like. And always service-minded, doing everything she could to give me a lovely experience, always with the beautiful and natural smile you can see on her pictures. And also very nice to talk to. As she writes in her profile, she speaks really good English. I took her “all-inclusive” for 1h, with tongue-kiss, SF and CIM. Really good price for getting all that from such a fantastic girl! Very nice and long blowjob with cim. Unfortunately I could not get hard again after that (I had had a stressed day and also the room was a little warm), so we never fucked, but that didn’t really reduce my good experience. I will do it the next time, because there will definitely be a next visit for me! Instead we finished with a nice massage and a lot of talking about everything. I went out in the beautiful almost-summer-evening with a big smile, and rounded off with a coffee at one of the small coffee bars in the pretty streets of Christianshavn. She stays in Cph for this week. 3 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Poptrold 247 Skrevet 24. Maj, 2019 Can I get an AMEN! Var forbi den skønne Megan i dag. En lidt kølig modtagelse i forhold til hvad andre har beskrevet. Men efter et bad og en god halv times slikketur varmede hun op og leverede et himmelsk økoblow. Jeg ser frem til næste besøg. Poptrold. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
prylgalen79 51 Skrevet 24. Maj, 2019 värdelös tjej, hon svarar gan inte i mobil eller på sms. hon borde sluta jobba som escort om hon inte kan ha bättre service Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
from_malmo 31 Skrevet 31. Maj, 2019 prylgalen79 skrev, den 25.5.2019 at 01:43: värdelös tjej, hon svarar gan inte i mobil eller på sms. hon borde sluta jobba som escort om hon inte kan ha bättre service Tråkigt att du inte fick tag i henne. Jag känner inte alls igen den beskrivningen. Om jag minns rätt ringde jag henne kring kl 15 och fick en tid till kl 19 samma dag. Hon kan inte sms:a till utländska nummer (står i hennes profil), om det nu var så att du skrev från svensk mobil... och att hon inte svarade när du ringde kan ju bero på att hon var upptagen. Skulle inte förvåna mig om hon kan vara lite busy ibland... Ser fram emot hennes nästa Kph-visit 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2019 (edited) prylgalen79 skrev, den 25.5.2019 at 01:43: värdelös tjej, Negativ projektiv identifikation er så trist at være vidne til. Redigeret 1. Juni, 2019 af Bebop 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9520 Skrevet 1. Juni, 2019 ppd skrev, for 6 timer siden: Linket virker ikke.. Læs dog tråden. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg