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Guest Turmult31

Jessica Serrano (Lever op til sit ry!)

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Ballsy skrev, for 1 time siden:

What? Jeg er forvirret... hun siger selv hun er spanier? Er jeg naiv? :D

Haha ja du er lidt naiv, hun er fra Rumanien. Hun har blot taget navn efter en spansk juleskinke. Men det gør ikke noget når man er så lækker som hun er :wub: 

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Haha jaja og jeg spurgte hende endda direkte i dag ...hendes accent slog mig ikke som spansk...

Jessica no need to pretend, we like you and adore you all the same! :wub:

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Kaptajn Haddock skrev, den 7/4/2019 at 22:08:

In her ad she recommend the use of WhatsApp if you have a foreign number. Just saying. Completely solved texting issues that I had with the goddess - even from a Danish number. I’m convinced that she tried to do her best and the word “idiot” is in my opinion misplaced, unreasonable and unfair in the context.

I know.
But I could not get WhatsApp at the moment.
Just sayin.

All information needed could be provided in my 1th  SMS.
Where I asked for location, and also wrote the desired services and timeframe.

Instead we tried to call each other many times, and that is just waste of time.
And yes the language was a problem and she asked me things I already told.

I asked for adress in text in the morning, and also by the phone later that day.
"Its in the add"
she said.

It was not at the escort-guide.dk  I used and I didnt found out either.
As I dont use my regular phone because something called opsec....

I Also ran out of the pre-paid simcard, and had to refill it just for continue the discussion with this girl.
Adding stress.

Overall, when I did not manage to get in contact with her the time ran out.
I had to leave, and could not call another girl because there was no time!


But I see a lot of "shining knights"  comes to the rescue also in this thread. :rolleyes:
Who cares.
There are lot of other girls


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TheSwed skrev, for 2 timer siden:

I know.
But I could not get WhatsApp at the moment.
Just sayin.

All information needed could be provided in my 1th  SMS.
Where I asked for location, and also wrote the desired services and timeframe.

Instead we tried to call each other many times, and that is just waste of time.
And yes the language was a problem and she asked me things I already told.

I asked for adress in text in the morning, and also by the phone later that day.
"Its in the add"
she said.

It was not at the escort-guide.dk  I used and I didnt found out either.
As I dont use my regular phone because something called opsec....

I Also ran out of the pre-paid simcard, and had to refill it just for continue the discussion with this girl.
Adding stress.

Overall, when I did not manage to get in contact with her the time ran out.
I had to leave, and could not call another girl because there was no time!


But I see a lot of "shining knights"  comes to the rescue also in this thread. :rolleyes:
Who cares.
There are lot of other girls


I did not noticed a problem with the language, my english is very good, as you remember I spell the adress for you many times. I asked you at what hour woud you like to come and what services do you like. In your SMS you wrote me that you want 45 min with extras but you didn’t told me the hour when you can come.So for that I asked, to find out what extras woud you like and also to know the time when you can be here, to fix an apointment. 

I told you that you need to call me when u arrive at the adress, but you text me “ I think I am here” , I already explain you that I can’t text you back when I was speacking with you. You had money on your prepay sim card to text me but you coudn’t call me? Or at least answer at the tellephone when I was calling? It was so hard to pick up the phone? 

P.S: Be respectful when you are talking about other people ( girls/boys) . The way how you speack says a lot about your education.

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Tak for anmeldelserne. Jeg har nu også besøgt Jessica ... jeg ventede alt for længe. Hun er både sød og lækker ... og fræk. Jeg tror, at det kan blive endnu bedre næste gang hun kommer til landet. 

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Jeg var hos hende en del gange  og jeg ved sikker hun er ikke fra Rumænien . Fordi jeg havde set hendes bøger på spansk samt nogle papir på spansk . Hun er dejlig og søde og kan godt lide hyg sex i god tid 30 eller 1 time. Jeg plejer bestille pga mere kvalitet og god tid til hyggelig med hende :) 

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Guest Hankatt

Foranlediget af ca 1mio overvældende positive anmeldelser lod jeg mig fravige mine favoritpiger og søgte en rusketur hos Jessica. På plussiden må jeg tilslutte mig glæden over hendes enormt tiltrækkende figur...... ægte bryster - helt forrygende!!!!!! (fanden har skabt silikone) 

Synes dog at det må være en god engangsoplevelse - er bare til massageklinikker, sikker sex og piger der i langt højere grad også gør det fordi de æææælsker sex. Men sød og smuk var hun nu! 

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Guest Supermayn

Jeg besøgte Jessica for et par dage siden. Hun er fantastisk!

Der har været nogle kommentarer omkring at hendes fisse skulle være decideret grimt. Sådan oplevede jeg det altså slet ikke.

Pas på hende! Hun er her i ca 3 uger endnu :)

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