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Mia04 skrev, den 8/12/2018 at 23:12:

@JohnBlow says it right.

Sounds like a cliche but it's my fault not yours my dears. Is matter of maturity from all perspectives, not just the intercourse is important. And as i said, i am not a vixen anymore (i am getting close to 30's) and i prefer committed mens just to avoid drama. As i said, close to 40's or more. 

Dont know if i am allowed to write this on the forum but hopefully this explanation will help for better understanding.

Don’t you worry hun. 40 is the new 25:wub:

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Buddha skrev, den 9/12/2018 at 08:08:

That because the Military played you on your innocence. The couldn’t say that to a 40+ they would be like..... ”Fuck You I have things to do I have a whole list from the wifey, I have to clean the garage, do the lawn, pick up the kids from school. ;)

....as 40+ the sum of tasks, on your wifes list, is constant! :D


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Guest Mia04
Buddha skrev, for 6 timer siden:

Do not you worry about them. 40 is the new 25: Wub:

I dunno <3

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