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Hair, intimate hairstyles & hygiene

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I flipped through a few threads that the market for hairy intimate areas still exists. I'm pretty "modern" myself and actually have a lot of hair, but everything on my head, my body is completely hairless, including the intimate area. Because I find it more pleasant, more hygienic and more beautiful<3 - although I am only describing my personal feelings here. How do the others see it? Is it important for you that your own intimate area or that of your (sexual) partner is depilated? ... or do you like cut hairstyles? Triangle? What are your preferences? Is it possibly a visual stimulus? .... or do you remove your hair for hygienic reasons? Maybe you have completely different reasons for liking hairy or sleek? ...Hairy or Straight? Or something new every day?:rolleyes:...

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Guest AmandaCassiopeia

I have been neatly hairy all three years I have been in the sex business. Only a few men asking if they could shave me (that's a NO from me). Other than that it has been popular. Sometimes I do shave my labia for a man I love. And that's as nude as it gets with me :lol: 

I think I'm lucky to be one of the only ones in Cph with a bush. I think it's a niche :lol: 

I haven't been clean shaven since I was a teenager. I think it's itchy and a lot of work, and I like the hairy style better. Although, it is still nicely kept, trimmed, just as I like beards :lol:

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Hår på vores hoved. 
Jeg fortrækker selv at have mit hår der, kunne ikke drømme om at blive skaldet der. Håret/frisure viser vores stil, synes andre kan været sexey uden hår på hoved. Lidesom det kan klæde få mænd med lang hår. 

Jeg synes ikke kvinder har hår under arme. 

Ved vores køndele foran. 
Der fortrækker jeg som jeg har pikant barberet, en dus på toppen, førhen var jeg altid helt glat men med min aldre synes jeg ikke dette glatte luck hedder sig til. Dette er min holdning, som vi ikke behøver at været enlig om. Elsker mænd der også har fjerne noget eller alt håret ved deres penis. 

Håret ved anus - Jeg mener vil man lege med sorte kys, så er det uden hår også mænd der vil have en pige skal slukke ham der. Og tit er det ham vil ikke have hår i maden, hvorfor skal pigen så have det ? 

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Guest Nemtøs

Er  langhåret  og  har  et  velplejet  hår.  Fortrækker  at  mænds  hår  også  er  velplejet, mænd  må  også  gerne  være  skaldet  det  kan  være  meget  sexet. 

Er  barberet  under  mine  arme,  og  det er  forskelligt  hvor  meget  hår  jeg  er  udstyret  med  på  mine  intime  dele :-)

ift  mænd  må  de  gerne  være  trimmet  intimt. De  behøver  bestemt  ikke  at  være  glatte  for  at  jeg  kan  nyde  at  give  et  blowjob  eller  rimme,  blot hygiejnen  er  i orden.

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Jeg elsker en behåret fisse -den er meget mere fræk at se på -og gå på opdagelse i;-)  jeg selv trimmer mit kønshår -da det let kan blive 10cm. langt ellers...  Håret er naturligt -og hvis man fjerne det -synes jeg man bliver for barneagtig... Hygiejnemæssigt kan jeg ikke se problemet -tvært i mod dem der fjerner håret får jo let bumser, rifter mm. Dog afprøvede jeg den ultimative fantasi sidste år -fik nosser og hårene omkring pikken fjernet med voks i thailand -den lille test på om jeg var en mand  eller kylling gg -det var fedt at prøve og vildt frækt -huden på nosserne blev helt blød og glat at rører ved -og det gør jeg gerne igen for sporten i det;-) 

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Well, I really like a girl with long hair...
On her head... ;)

Everywhere else I absolutely prefer shaved / waxed.
As in the smoother the better.
To me it's a sign of a girl that takes care of herself and that wants to look her very best.
And I do definitely enjoy giving oral to a girl that's shaved a lot more.
Few things excite me more then a girl that is waxed, and spreads her legs and invites... 

Personally, when I plan a meeting, as I do soon, I shave as close as I can.
( not to easy, but I do my best )
Haven't really had a girl say either way tbh, I just assume it's more enjoyable ?
Or maybe it's just me being a stickler to being as clean as I possibly can be ? 
But that you maybe can say better then me ?

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Guest Emmalie

Jeg foretrækker at være barberet fra halsen og ned, men min hud har ikke godt af det.. Det helt ideelle ville være at jeg aldrig rørte en skraber. :)


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En behåret fisse er vildt ophidsende at se på. Men den skal være trimmet ned til ca. 2 mm længde og være kantet af og være nyvasket muums! Især brunetter med mørk behåring er det klædeligt. 

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Jeg trimmer selv lidt for at det ikke skal være et kæmpe vildnis dernede. Jeg vil dog aldrig blive glatbarberet, for der er ingen naturlig grænse mellem mine kønshår og mine hår på maven, så jeg ved ikke helt hvor jeg i givet fald skulle stoppe. Mht. pigerne foretrækker jeg at selve fissen er glatbarberet, men at der gerne er en trimmet og kantet trekant på venusbjerget.

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Det er meget individuelt. Jeg har ikke skæg og bliver barberer i ansigtet dagligt, også i weekenden. Når skæget vokser ud klør det. På resten af kroppen er det omvendt. Jeg har hår forneden, på arme og ben og lidt på brystet. Det bliver aldrig barberet. Det skal siges at jeg ikke har naturlig gorillaslips. 

'Jeg har været barberet forneden, i forbindelse med operation for syster på testiklerne. Det vat meget ubehageligt med denne barbering  og kløede meget.

Jeg foretrækker også piger med hår for neden. Det er mere kvindeligt og voksent. Det er ikke det jeg går efter, men det ændrer ikke ved synet når trusserne ryger. 

Jeg kendte for mange år siden en rødhåret dame. Hun var lige så rød for neden, hvilket var ret flot. 

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Guest KingMats
AmandaCassiopeia skrev, for 5 timer siden:

I have been neatly hairy all three years I have been in the sex business. Only a few men asking if they could shave me (that's a NO from me). Other than that it has been popular. Sometimes I do shave my labia for a man I love. And that's as nude as it gets with me :lol: 

I think I'm lucky to be one of the only ones in Cph with a bush. I think it's a niche :lol: 

I haven't been clean shaven since I was a teenager. I think it's itchy and a lot of work, and I like the hairy style better. Although, it is still nicely kept, trimmed, just as I like beards :lol:

Its beautiful. Its perfect - just like a woman

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Fra naturens hånd er jeg meget hårløs på ryg, mave, bryst, ben og arme. Da jeg var yngre var jeg træt af at jeg heller ikke har meget skægvækst. 
Mine præference hos det modsatte køn er klart glat for neden og heller ikke hår på kroppen. Jeg kan ikke forklare hvorfor :-)  Men hår på ben og arme er turn off for mig.

@Tantra Although it may feel more hygienic to remove hair in the intimate area, natural pubic hair actually protects against infections.

But as I have written in Danish my personal preferences is no hair in the intimate area. 

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Guest Nannas Hjørne

It varies. When it comes to my intimate parts I usually shave (sometimes wax, but ouch!) but keep a triangle of hair. I think it looks visually better to have it marked like that - but I honestly don't have strong feelings about hair, neither my own nor others. 
It's nice when it's soft and shaven/waxed, but again, it's not great for the skin. 
Basically my policy is to keep it so no one has to get hair in their food when they lick me. So I'm pretty practical about it. 
Honestly though, if I end up with a man who doesn't care or likes hair, then I'd probably stop shaving. 
I always shave my armpits and I shave my legs and intimate parts when needed. Which means my legs are shaven all summer, cause.. dresses ^_^ and always shaven when I plan on getting naked with someone. 

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It is very interesting to read how different we all are in our preferences ... optical stimuli, enjoyment ... somehow we are all unique and yet hardly different in our sensations or expectations<3 ...

@ AmandaCassiopea,

I think the demand for "hairy intimate areas" is there and gentlemen who are looking for it ... will quickly find what they are looking for and will contact them.<3

@ TheVoice,
A rainbow around the hard wand:rolleyes: ... Interesting presentation. Thank you for your reply.<3

@ Coco Darling,

An interesting point that you address. However, I think that even the market for bald women ( head)exists. I am active in a lot of international forums and sometimes people are looking for exactly that. So everyone has their preferences.
Thanks for the refreshing answer.<3<3

@ Nemtøs,

A beautiful, well-groomed woman also expects a well-groomed gentleman.<3


@ Møffe,

Interesting comparison: a man or a chicken.:rolleyes: - I hope you still felt like a man.
P.S. A man's smooth intimate area is an "invitation" to pamper him.<3

@ Gentle Mind,

... I think we have the same preferences.:wub:


@ Keaper,

You are becoming more and more likeable to me...
You have a gift for writing in such a way that certain images arise in your head:wub:: "Girl spreads her legs and invites":rolleyes:<3

P.S. Sugar paste is gentler than regular wax.


@ Emmalie,

I understand you ... ideally: a gentle method for the gentle girl's skin<3

@ Cassanova,

The visual stimulus can sometimes arouse animal instincts and lead to wild, passionate sex:wub:

@ Lauersen,

I think it's nice that you shorten hair in your genital area.<3 In a wilderness, it is easy for a girl to get lost:rolleyes: - the last sentence should not be taken seriously;)<3.

@ migmanden,

A completely new aspect with the red hair in the genital area.:rolleyes: Some men also have fiery red hair on their genitals.:wub:

@ KingMads,

I hope you will meet AmandaCassiopea. I wish you both wonderful experiences.<3

@ Hanshhj,

No explanation is required. It's a preference that you share with many other people.<3
Possibly the natural pubic hair helps protect against infection - mother "nature" thought something by providing us with it ... but I'll stick with smooth.<3

@ Nanna,

A key for our cuisine is: "you eat with your eyes" :wub:- our guests should not just be delighted with the taste of our meals, but also by what it looks like when it is served.<3 ... depending on your preferences.... but in this case the gurman "food" is served hairless. A gentleman can enjoy it<3..

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Guest Nannas Hjørne
Tantra skrev, for 43 minutter siden:


@ Nanna,

A key for our cuisine is: "you eat with your eyes" :wub:- our guests should not just be delighted with the taste of our meals, but also by what it looks like when it is served.<3 ... depending on your preferences.... but in this case the gurman "food" is served hairless. A gentleman can enjoy it<3..

Oh I'm sure that's true. In my experience men enjoy many different types of "hairstyles" so in the end the best thing is to do it the way you like it. For me, a few ask why I don't shave the triangle off, even insinuating that I'm being lazy - and that's just stupid, because far the easiest part to shave is the triangle, it's a choice, not laziness. Others tell me I don't need to shave around the trinangle and that there's nothing more sexy than a woman with a full bush. Preferences are just different. For me I think of it like the hair on my head. I have this style for now, but I might get bored and change it up. 

Redigeret af Nannas Hjørne

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@Tantra this issue has been discussed many times. I am one of the persons who get turned on by a black pubic triangle. Even if I spot it  from a distance or from the side without seeing any details, it arouses me a lot. But when the issue has been discussed, opinions are divided. Some are strongly in favour of shaved genitals, some are strongly against. It is impossible to agree on this issue. It is a matter of personal preference. I think it there is a bias amongst younger people to prefer the shaved look and amongst the somewhat older people  to prefer the black triangle. A compromise is where you shave the genitals and leave the black triangle. I can live with that.

To me a wild growing bush and a hairy body does not signal hygiene. Agree with you on that. But actually, science says that hair is good for avoiding smell because the hair helps the body evaporate the moisture that would otherwise turn smelly. I can find links if you want.

As long as you keep the beautiful dark hair on your head:wub:

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Watanabe skrev, for 9 timer siden:

@Tantra this issue has been discussed many times. I am one of the persons who get turned on by a black pubic triangle. Even if I spot it  from a distance or from the side without seeing any details, it arouses me a lot. But when the issue has been discussed, opinions are divided. Some are strongly in favour of shaved genitals, some are strongly against. It is impossible to agree on this issue. It is a matter of personal preference. I think it there is a bias amongst younger people to prefer the shaved look and amongst the somewhat older people  to prefer the black triangle. A compromise is where you shave the genitals and leave the black triangle. I can live with that.

To me a wild growing bush and a hairy body does not signal hygiene. Agree with you on that. But actually, science says that hair is good for avoiding smell because the hair helps the body evaporate the moisture that would otherwise turn smelly. I can find links if you want.

As long as you keep the beautiful dark hair on your head:wub:

I find the variety on the topic very interesting.:wub: Why should we agree (?) :rolleyes:... the world would be boring if every man had the same taste and every woman only found "Brad Pitt" attractive...
Everyone is an individual with their own preferences and desires ... this theme clearly shows how different our tastes are ... our visual stimuli<3 ... with or without hair in any place with red or dark hair, hairstyles (triangle). .. .. so there is something for everyone :wub:...

P.S. My head hair is brown, sometimes tinted with eggplant color... I don't plan to cut it, I just change the color every now and then :P...

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Watanabe skrev, for 9 timer siden:

@Tantra this issue has been discussed many times. I am one of the persons who get turned on by a black pubic triangle. Even if I spot it  from a distance or from the side without seeing any details, it arouses me a lot. But when the issue has been discussed, opinions are divided. Some are strongly in favour of shaved genitals, some are strongly against. It is impossible to agree on this issue. It is a matter of personal preference. I think there is a bias amongst younger people to prefer the shaved look and amongst the somewhat older people  to prefer the black triangle. A compromise is where you shave the genitals and leave the black triangle. I can live with that.

To me a wild growing bush and a hairy body does not signal hygiene. Agree with you on that. But actually, science says that hair is good for avoiding smell because the hair helps the body evaporate the moisture that would otherwise turn smelly. I can find links if you want.

As long as you keep the beautiful dark hair on your head:wub:


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