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Guest Mia04
Bananas skrev, for 3 minutter siden:

No problem, didn't really think you meant it like that. 

I didnt. I apologize. 

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Mia04 skrev, for 57 minutter siden:

After one year and half here what do you think? And yes, people who know me and details of my personal life, know very well i dont have one. Many do and i dont have a problem with that, but i dont do. Many somebody is trying to catch my attention and stalking so i can start work for him or her taking in consideration how much tried to ping me in the last year. And i should need one? I am writing myself the messages and as you certainly noticed, girls with pimp changed regulary their photos. Mine are same since summer 2018 


First of i AM sorry that some People feel the need to give you a bad writing because of they're mistakes. You seem Nice, so f... Them. 

But its not always because girls have a pimp they change photos sweety. I do because i prefer the pictures to be as real as posible, and I need change once in a while. 

And thumps up for you, that you choose to work the way thats best for you! <3

Merry Christmas to you dear 

Redigeret af Frække Tanja
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Guest Mia04
Walter the Licker skrev, for 1 minut siden:

@Mia04 Don't you ever get tired of being a sitting duck? Its not the first time. Where is the respect to you. :)


I am not sure i understand properly what you mean...

i have no self respect? 

Redigeret af Mia04

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Mia04 skrev, Lige nu:

I am not sure i understand properly what you mean...

i have no self respect? 

I think he means, that some men don't respect you.

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Guest Mia04
Gerrard skrev, for 1 minut siden:

I think he means, that some men don't respect you.

It’s a crazy world we are living in, right? As i said and this is my last comment, but @Walter the Licker you are right! I am tired to fight against people who dont understand that for a mistake to be done, needs more than one person. I’ve done few, never been proud of them but in those particular moments did what was the best for me. I accept critics when i know i was the only one who fucked it up. But how comes that only those people i refused, start commenting bad things? Anyways...
If i ofended, i honestly apologies. Hopefully everybody inderstood that i had no intention of accusing anybody of anything. 
I ll follow @Bananas plan: i go to Netto soon for some Coke and popcorn. 

what a sunday...

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Milfdreng2 skrev, for 1 time siden:

Yes! :) i dont know if you have a pimp... just alot of girls in this business got pimps :(

Så du synes bare det er sjovt at skrive om noget du ikke ved noget om. Det bidrager virkelig til at hæve niveauet.

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Mia04 skrev, for 10 minutter siden:

It’s a crazy world we are living in, right? As i said and this is my last comment, but @Walter the Licker you are right! I am tired to fight against people who dont understand that for a mistake to be done, needs more than one person. I’ve done few, never been proud of them but in those particular moments did what was the best for me. I accept critics when i know i was the only one who fucked it up. But how comes that only those people i refused, start commenting bad things? Anyways...
If i ofended, i honestly apologies. Hopefully everybody inderstood that i had no intention of accusing anybody of anything. 
I ll follow @Bananas plan: i go to Netto soon for some Coke and popcorn. 

what a sunday...

You got the question right :D And thx for your thougts.

Remember its the good things in life that makes you happy. Forget about bad food, wine and lovers. 

Happy sunday :)

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Den_glade_amatør skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Nu er jeg på ingen måde specialist, men det er vel egentlig ikke så usædvanligt, at man i første omgang får en ikke helt nøjagtig angivelse, hvorefter man så (når man har meldt sin ankomst og pigen set vedkommende an) i næste hug får den rigtige adresse.

Til gengæld ville jeg nok reagere præcis som du @Gentleman52, hvis man blev sendt hen til et sted, hvor der faktisk var andre personer involveret. Det virker bestemt ikke trygt.


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underdog40 skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Jeg tillader mig at kalde "bullshit" her. Meeeeen måske jeg skulle drible ned i Netto og hente nogle flere popcorn. 

allow me too adjust a little bit,,,

This here is your guy, so dont come around here and accuse other guys for instance  @Bananas :) with popcorn stuff :D

Dont you NEVER underestimate the most funny guy in here @underdog40  ;)

This thread can only be a big DUCK,,  @Mia04 is one of the most popular girls here in DK since she started come here,,

Wishes you all a Merry christmas, with the simple wishes that you should respect <3 MIA <3 and ALL other working girls here in DK

Peace ,, over and out 

Best regards Hunter

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Det var det mærkeligste og det mest pinlig oplevelse jeg har haft. Jeg håber ikke det sker for jer

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Gentleman52 skrev, for 2 timer siden:

 Hun skrev at der var kammerater og hvad så vi gør ikke noget forkert.

Kan du prøve at omformulere, for det er meningsløst. Hvad skrev hun faktisk på engelsk?

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Mia04 skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Dear, first of all you was with 15 min earlier. Then i called you at our agreed time and you didnt asnwer. With such behaviour, is my right to refuse somebody. And yes i can see from the balcony who is coming. I asked you kindly to meet at 10 am and for at 09:45 i asked you to not sit in the front of the door because neighbours can see. At 10:00 i gave you the interphone. Where were you?!!!

You wrote a wrong address. This is misleading in justice system. I doesn't matter I came early. We don'tmake something illegally. You just have to behave polite and stable if you want to stay in business. If you have psychiatric problems you have to visit a doctor. 

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Gentleman52 skrev, for 1 minut siden:

This is misleading in justice system. I doesn't matter I came early. 

Har du spist søm eller kan du bare ikke engelsk og skriver derfor noget andet end du mener?

Hvad har retssystem og vildledning med sagen at gøre? Og hvis du ikke ved at man aldrig ringe på, hvis man ankommer før aftalt tid, så er det din fejl - ikke hendes.

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Hun skrev en forkert adresse med vilje. Så jeg ringer på 2tv og en mand råbte og sagde hvem søger du. Man må ikke mislede folk og skabe unødvendige problemer.

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Gentleman52 skrev, for 6 minutter siden:

Hun skrev en forkert adresse med vilje. Så jeg ringer på 2tv og en mand råbte og sagde hvem søger du. Man må ikke mislede folk og skabe unødvendige problemer.

Det lyder sgu i højere og højere grad til at det er dig der skaber problemer for dig selv - men nok om det.


Al' den her råben og skrigen, og en Mia der tager til sagligt genmæle.... Hende skal jeg sgu besøge! (og så trykker jeg IKKE på 2.tv. når/hvis det rasler ned af kommunikations-vejen :lol: )

Mia, we gotta meet! ;)

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Guest Mia04

So, i post this and i am done! If the moderator finds it innapropriate, i apologize in advance and ask him to block me if necessary.
But before, never but never wait exactly in the front of the door especially if you are earlier. For your own safety and to avoid embarassment like it happen to the gentleman above. And PLEASE read carefully, not between the lines.

Here it is the conversation this morning. I CANT open the door until i dont make sure you are in the front! I did few times and got a stalker for one year. Enough! If willing to meet me, accepting my terms makes you a gentleman. And nota bene for new readers: i will never give my full address in instant. And read the advert carefully! I ask to introduce yourself for a reason. Don’t make me ask details like age because starting from now i will not trouble doing that anymore.

Generally speaking, we like to complain but when comes to look a bit at ourselves, is difficult! Be a grown up and face it, if you consider yourself an gentleman/a lady. Since you didnt meet the person nobody has the right to judge. My opinion.

Dont blame without knowing what is behind the story and most important “suck it up” when you are refused. I’ve been there. Did i blamed somebody for losing my time and getting ready for him? No i didnt!

I am not in a position to give any lessons right now, i am nobody after all but these are my thoughts and apologies. Again! Same story! I am embarassed also for all the readers who has to go through this mush.
I apologize for everything and i’ll stick only to the people who know how i do and like things.

<<Dulce periculum>> but not when is your safety in the game.

I apologize to you for the embarassment (i can imagine the feeling) and i would done it properly if you would pick up the phone.

Roger out! In this case without expecting a reply. Done for good. 
Good night






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Grammar mistakes

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Gentleman52 skrev, 1 time siden:

Hun skrev en forkert adresse med vilje. Så jeg ringer på 2tv og en mand råbte og sagde hvem søger du. Man må ikke mislede folk og skabe unødvendige problemer.

Du svarer ikke på spørgsmålet. Og det kunne se ud som om, du fejllæste hendes besked om etagen.

At give en anden adresse først er ret almindeligt for privat/diskret. Formodentlig fik du besked på at tage kontakt, når du var fremme. Det vil være usædvanligt, hvis den første adresse du får er med den præcise lejlighed. Hvis hun skrev det, så er det en fejl fra hendes side. Pointen er at give fx et husnummer, så du er tæt på - det giver ikke mening at oplyse en præcis lejlighed først.

Redigeret af Bebop

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@Mia04    judging from his behaviour and his comments here, it seems like a very wise decision not to let him anywhere near your apartment...

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I know Mia, she is fantastic and full of class. If you guys can’t live up to that, stay away!

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Bebop skrev, for 9 timer siden:

Du svarer ikke på spørgsmålet. Og det kunne se ud som om, du fejllæste hendes besked om etagen.

At give en anden adresse først er ret almindeligt for privat/diskret. Formodentlig fik du besked på at tage kontakt, når du var fremme. Det vil være usædvanligt, hvis den første adresse du får er med den præcise lejlighed. Hvis hun skrev det, så er det en fejl fra hendes side. Pointen er at give fx et husnummer, så du er tæt på - det giver ikke mening at oplyse en præcis lejlighed først.

Undskyld. Jeg ringede som hun skriver xx i den forkerte opgang som hun med vilje skrev. Ifølge screenshot skrev hun entrance Xx  Der ikke nogen det hed sådan.  Der var kun opgang nummer efterfulgt af et bogstav 

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Adresse fjernet

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Mangt og meget kan undre i denne verden.

For mit vedkommende undrer jeg mig ofte over de pseudonymer/aliasser, som folk i dette forum vælger til sig selv.

Hvad ønsker de at udtrykke?

Men her må man give @Gentleman52, at han ikke lader nogen form for tvivl tilbage.

Hans valg af pseudonym må være udtryk for dyb ironi og den sorteste humor.

Tak for joken, kammerat. Vi er med helt med.


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