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The place with all the fake pictures so you never know what you get?

Stay away, from that. There are plenty of other, and honest, places in Aalborg. 

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Blackie skrev, for 15 minutter siden:

The best joke of this year! How  stupid and windy must be an owner (pauladk) in H.C.Andersenvej to review all the girls in the city without knowing them? 
Listen, poor girl! Everybody in Aalborg know that no one girl wants to work at your place. You treat the girls like a garbage and that's way you'll never get respect and good name in Denmark. 
You deceive and rob so many people that nobody wants to hear about you. Instead to write bulshit every week on eroguide.dk,  start just care about your own buisness and workers.
Maybe once in your short life:
1) use really photos of the girls
2) clean your flat
3) care about health of your girls
4) hire the correct girls which are not addicted to alcohol and drugs.

It's understandable that you are full of complexes,  but that's not the reason to destroy good job of your concurrence. Please, try to use your rest of inteligence and take care about your chaotic life. 
Remember! Not all the world is responsible for your private and professional fails. JUST YOU, PAULA.DK
Don't rebound on guiltless people and once in your life look for blame inside yourself! 
Best regards.

Do you have link with your girl?

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