Handlover66 4 Skrevet 19. November, 2019 Some days ago I mailed Madame Sascha and described my dream session. We found a suitable time and I ordered train tickets. I arrived to Madames door and pushed the door bell. Madame opened the door, she looked really stunning. I was asked to take of my shoes and follow her. When we entered the dungeon I was asked to take off all my clothes. Madame inspected my naked body before she tied my balls and dick with a rope. Madame grabed my balls and lead me to the middle of the room, where Madame used ropes to tied my hands to the ceiling. I was now standing totally naked like an X infront of Madame. Madame informed me that she is going to tease me a lot, but I will not be allowed to cum before Madame gives permission and I must tell when I am at the edge. I had told Madame that I have a strong fetish for female hands, Madame really used this knowledge to exite me during the session. I was not allowed to close my eyes during the session, I must look att Madams amazing hands. Madame started to walk aroud me and caress my body with her soft hands. Madame slowly and sensually located all my erogene zones with her skilled hands. I also got the honor to kiss and worship her fantastic palms. When Madame started to touch my dick and balls, she reminded me that I am not allowed to ejaculate yet. I saw her painted nails going up and down on my shaft. I already felt I was way to excited. I looked away and closed my eyes to calm down a little bit. NO, Madame said, LOOK AT MY HANDS! When I looked down again saw her hand going up and down, but she had also spread her free palm right infront of my dick head, ready to catch my semen. -You are not allowed to cum, wispered Madame. I had to say STOP. Madame stopped wanking and started to tease my nipples, it made it even harder to prevent ejaculation. Madame teased me to the edge again and again, many times. Madame used several different ways to wank and arouse me. At one time Madame wanked me with her right hand at the same time as she raised her left palm and asked me to kiss her sensual palm. But Madame slowly lowered her palm, I struggle a lot to reach her palm with my lips. I bent my spread legs and tried to make my arms as long as possible, since they were attached to the ceiling. Then Madame puts her head next to mine, cheek to cheek. It was a very interesting feeling, the mixture of me struggling not to cum and struggling to reache her palm and Madame's soft, sensual, caring cheek to cheek. I had to say STOP again. After a while Madame untied me and led me to a strange chair. I had to spread my legs wide when I sat down, since there was no seat in the middel. Madame tied my legs and my hands to the chair. Now the teasing and edging started again. It was a new feeling sitting in the chair. My buttocks were widely spread. Madame had full access of my tied body. Sometimes I felt Madame's fingertips discovering the area below my balls and between my buttocks. After some edging in the chair Madame said - If you like, you can ask for permission to cum when you get close. Madame wanked my penis with her right hand and held her left palm spread infront of the penis. Everytime the foreskin was partially retracted, her left hands fingertips were touching my sensitive glans. I was very close, I asked - May I cum Madame? Madame answered calmly -No. Madame just continued. - STOP, I said. Madame stopped, but I was extremely close to ejaculation. I had to tighten all muscles in my body and I was still not sure that I would be able to hold back, but I did. I thought Madame should answer yes when I asked... When I had calmed down a bit Madame continued the tease. When I was close I asked again, - May I cum Madame? - Yes you may, Madame said. It was FANTASTIC! Madame wanked a while after the peak orgasm, to make sure I was really drained. I was untied, I got a towl and Madame showed me where I could have a shower. When I came back from the shower into the dungeon we smalltalked while I got dressed. When I was ready Madame walked me out to the entré, but she stopped me in the hallway. Madame said - pull down your zipper and show me your dick. I did as told and Madame gently wanked my facid dick. My mind and my eyes really liked it, but my member was really sleepy. Madame even pulled down my foreskin and touched my sensitive bare glans with her sensual fingertips. Madame said - Good you seems to be cempletely drained. I got a hug and left the building. This is one of the best session I have experienced. I am extremely impressed of Madame Sascha, wonderful! It is a good thing that I live far away from Denmark, otherwise I should have visited Madame far to often. 3 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Skilgannon 479 Skrevet 19. November, 2019 What did you end up paying for that? Can't find any prices on her website on my phone 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Handlover66 4 Skrevet 8. Januar, 2020 Sorry for not answering. I just sent an email to Madame Sascha, were I described my wishes. Madame answered rapidly. Kind regards Handlover Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg